Interesting in China is
10 must-visit cities in 2012
10 cities of the world, which in 2012 pleased and surprised tourists.
Interesting in China is
10 best places for rafting
It is believed that rafting is a kind of emotional feed for courageous travelers.
Interesting in China is
Top 10 markets in the world
No luxury boutique or licked shopping center will bring so much pleasure and vivid impressions of shopping, like a noisy, tight, eternally screaming and buzzing market.
Interesting in China is
10 most dangerous tours in the world
Adrenaline is the best soothing. Paradoxically, but the fact: if you dream about Excel tables at night, you can get rid of them with the help of stress of a different nature.
Interesting in China is
Dadunhai Bay: about everything little by little
Sanya is a very cute, fast-growing city, with a lot of restaurants, cafes and Russian, where the climate and nature of the city is very pleased.
Interesting in China is
Visa to China: how to make no problems
What should I focus on when filling out the documents? Here we will try to answer these and other important questions.
Interesting in China is
Exhibitions in Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Conference and Exhibition Center, opened in November 1988, is considered one of the best exhibition complexes in Asia.
Interesting in China is
Skiing China
To go skiing, it's best to come to China not earlier than November, at this time the winter entertainment season opens, which lasts until the end of April.
Interesting in China is
Hot five cities must-visit 2013
Among the lucky ones selected were both expected candidates and unexpected candidates.
Interesting in China is
Last minute tours to China
The main expense item when traveling to China is air travel.
Interesting in China is
Ancient China
Ancient Chinese civilization arose three thousand years before the beginning of our era in the middle reaches of the Yellow River.
Interesting in China is
Individual tours to China
Individual tours to China will be your guiding threads to the mysterious world of the Celestial Empire, having conducted unconventional and therefore especially interesting routes around the country.
Interesting in China is
History of China
The very first mention of China refers to the times of the ruler Fu Xi, who lived three thousand years before the beginning of our era.
Interesting in China is
China for children
Peking Disneyland, Beihai Park, Mira Park, Dino Beach, Insect and Reptile Museum, Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, as well as dolphinariums, water parks, oceanariums - all entertainment and do not list.
Interesting in China is
Chinese Tea Ceremony
In no case should you touch the tea with your hands, so as not to "attach" to it odors.
Interesting in China is
Top attractions for a photo
There are five places in front of you that will lead to the indescribable delight of any photographer.
Interesting in China is
Best countries for culinary tourism
Food and travel are related to each other as planes and airports.
Interesting in China is
Best festivals of June
Festivals are a living, dancing museum of culture and traditions in a rapidly globalizing world.
Interesting in China is
Furniture tours to China
For the skin - to Turkey, for fur coats - to Greece, and for furniture - to China. It has long been no secret that a significant part of foreign furniture brands are produced in China.
Interesting in China is
Museums of eroticism
With a double zeal, a tourist is looking for while traveling, than entertain his soul, wounded by everyday labor.
Interesting in China is
New Year's China
Celebratory celebrations in Beijing are incredible colorful shows on the streets of the city, unabated until the early hours of the night, enchanting programs in restaurants and exciting excursions.
Interesting in China is
Islands of China
In Macau, a lot of casinos and gambling houses, chic hotels and attentive staff. It is also called the "Monte Carlo of the East."
Interesting in China is
Rest in Dalian
The city is amazed by the abundance of greenery and flowers - it seems as if you can not walk five meters here without encountering a park or at least a couple of flower beds.
Interesting in China is
Holiday in China is
It is a country of striking contrasts, which at the same time preserved its inner harmony.
Interesting in China is
Holiday in Hainan
Sandy beaches, which do not seem to pass in a few days, sparkling in the sunshine azure sea, picturesque and pacifying nature - that's what a beach holiday in Hainan.
Interesting in China is
First time in China: five tips
"The first trip to the Celestial Country" sounds as exciting as it is frightening.
Interesting in China is
Pyramids in China
The pyramids of China are huge burial mounds of carefully pressed earth, reminiscent of the structures of Latin America.
Interesting in China is
Planet of puzzles - the top 5 most inexplicable sights of the world
So, where on Earth you can see the most mysterious, mystical and inexplicable sights.
Interesting in China is
Beach vacation in Hong Kong
Many Hong Kong beaches are reliably protected from the wind by mountains, in the coastal zone there are no big waves, so they are great for resting with young children.
Interesting in China is
Beach vacation in China is
China - is not only the glorious pages of the history of ancient civilizations and sacred places in which there is a proximity to God, in addition, it is a country of picturesque islands and marine distances.
Interesting in China is
China Health Resorts - $
Sanatoria of China are famous for their diagnostic departments equipped with the latest devices and devices.
Interesting in China is
Wushu styles
China is a country with a very ancient culture, rooted in the depths of centuries. This is a tradition, a philosophy, a way of life, a way of thinking.
Interesting in China is
Top 5 places for treasure hunts
A tempting prospect, is not it: to depart on a journey to distant shores and return enriched not only spiritually, but also financially.
Interesting in China is
Top 5 of the most beautiful autumn landscapes
It's so nice to wander around the fallen leaves, take pictures in the sunlit branches and admire the bright colors of the withering nature ... We invite you to travel through the most beautiful autumn landscapes of the world.
Interesting in China is
Top 5 countries for gourmets (where you can try all sorts of nastiness)
So, where to go to try the most, to put it mildly, unusual dishes.
Interesting in China is
Tours to China by train
Interesting in China is
Awesome near-$
Counterfeits here at every step. A university graduate student, a specialist in Chinese history, tried to extradite a Buddhist temple for a Taoist - a tourist, they say, is it all the same?
Interesting in China is
Festivals of beer in the world
Fans of a foam drink with a certain persistence can travel from one country to another throughout the year, comparing local customs and the scope of folk festivities.
Interesting in China is
To suit was sitting - top 5 directions with a wardrobe to order
On the eve of summer, nothing inspires as much as talking about new things. Put on a tunic, shoe sandals and run like a nymph on the hills of Hellas - a tempting alternative to sitting in the office
Interesting in China is
Shopping tours to China
China is a huge country with huge megacities and markets, which sometimes occupy several city blocks.
Interesting in China is
Shopping tours in Beijing
Irreverently passed those times when the epithet "Chinese" in relation to the goods meant exclusively "substandard, but cheap."
Interesting in China is
Excursion tours to China
"If you have not visited the Great Wall of China, you are not a real Chinese."
Interesting in China is
Jewelry travel
Among the precious stones that can be obtained from Ceylon soils are amethysts, topazes, rubies, citrine and other colored stones, but they are of course not as valuable as sapphires.