Xian is located on the Wei River, the tributary of the Huanghe, and its ancient name translates as "a long way". It was Xi'an who at one time was the destination of caravans that followed the Great Silk Road. Xi'an, the capital of the province of Shaanxi, for many years was the capital of ancient China, its history has lasted for more than three thousand years.

At one time, Xi'an was recognized as one of the largest cities in the world by both area and number of inhabitants. @@ At the same time, Xi'an is a modern tourist city, with an active economic life, picturesque nature and a huge number of monuments and attractions.


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How to get to Xian

Xian is one of the largest transport centers in China. The local airport accepts local and international flights from almost all corners of the world. The railways are also not worse developed - the railways have literally spun the whole city and connect it with all other major cities of China.

By bus or car to Xi'an, it's also quite convenient to get there - almost all roads are good. However, in this case, do not discount the very specific Asian interpretation of traffic rules

  • How to get from Beijing to Xi'an

Cuisine Xian

Xian Cuisine is China's oldest cuisine, it stores many recipes and secrets. Historically, it has always happened that roads intersecting in different directions of the world always intersected in Xian, that is why the city was intertwined with cultures. This was especially reflected in the national cuisine.

Dumplings are very popular here, they differ from Russians by a variety of fillings, shapes and names. Xian takes into account the taste interests and traditions of different nations, there are restaurants with Muslim cuisine (in the city there is even a Muslim quarter, a local landmark), Japanese and European.

But traveling in China, of course, it's much more interesting to get acquainted with local cuisine. The most famous restaurants in the city specializing in Chinese cuisine are the Xi'an duck, Xi'an and the First of May, pelmeni "DeFachan" and "Tszefanlu" and "Great Hong Kong" - the best place in the city to try the seafood here. Well, naturally, there are a lot of very colorful cafes and eateries here


The main shopping area of ​​Xian - East Street. Unlike other Chinese cities, this area is known for the fact that instead of the huge multi-storey shopping centers on both sides of the wide avenue, here you will see a narrow cozy street, built up with small shops. The assortment of goods, however, is not inferior to other cities, and shops work here even longer - until ten in the evening.

In addition, here, as in many other places in China, certain goods are best purchased in specially designated streets .

Climate Xian

Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep ok no dec
day + 4 + 8 + 14 + 20 + 26 + 32 + 32 + 31 + 25 + 19 + 12 + 6
at night - 4 - 1 + 3 + 8 + 13 + 18 + 21 + 20 + 15 + 9 + 2 - 3

Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions Xian

Historic center of the city on se The day is almost rectangular with a perimeter of about twelve kilometers. The center is surrounded by a wall, there, inside the rectangle, as in the box are the main treasures of the city - sights, hotels and restaurants having a hundred-year history.

Once the city center was dotted into 108 block-squares (108 - a lucky number for the Chinese, so many beads were in the beads of the Buddha). Such a geometric form of town-planning has survived to this day, and was reflected in the name of the main streets - North, South, East and West.

The main city wall is preserved in the city, only for the locals it is free of charge, and for tourists have to pay. Right on the wall, you can not only walk, but also ride a motorcycle or bicycle.

Nearby is the Bailein Museum, or the "Stone Forest". This is a kind of library in the open air. The appearance of this place is due to one of the emperors of the Tang Wenjong dynasty. He ordered to knock out classical Confucian texts in stone, later many important books were also carved here. Now there are more than seven thousand plates in the museum.

To go for a walk, you should go to the Lotus Park of the Tang dynasty, built on the ruins of a historic park with the same name. In the center of Xi'an, you can visit two towers - a bell and a drum.

"Ruins of Qui-chiang Chi" Park is a beautiful place that emphasizes the grandeur and grandeur of the ancient dynasties that once ruled here. Amazing nature, a huge lake, sculptures, arranged throughout the park and silence create a good atmosphere for a leisurely and thoughtful walk.

Terracotta Army

But perhaps the main attraction of the city is the legendary Terracotta Army . Not far from Xi'an is an amazing place called "Terracotta Army" . The unique burial of more than eight thousand full-size terracotta statues of Chinese soldiers and their horses, next to the tomb of the Chinese emperor Qin Shihuandi, who united ancient China th and believed that his dynasty will reign forever - hence all the attributes of eternal power . The army owes its release from the depths of the earth to one peasant who accidentally digged a well at his site, this extraordinary army . This archaeological find happened still in 1974, but archaeological excavations continue to this day .

Terracotta Army

Now a whole city has appeared here. Art historians and archaeologists believe that the creation of this grand tomb took more than 30 years, during which almost a thousand people worked on it.

The statues were executed accurately, with the jeweler's precision, among them there is not a single identical face. And that their people are multinational - there are not only Chinese, but also Mongols, Uighurs, Tibetans and many others. This has historical confirmation - this was the army of the emperor.

The soldiers are facing east, in the direction of the kingdoms that the emperor conquered. The clothes, shoes and armor of the soldiers are executed with amazing detail, and they were armed with real bows and arrows, spears, shields and swords. Only the growth of soldiers is exaggeratedly large - almost two meters. The statues are painted, but the paint can be seen only when the figures are taken from the ground, it disappears in the air.

Eleven passages are separated by thick walls. Above the ancient masters laid whole tree trunks, on them mats, thirty centimeters of cement and three meters of earth - all for the protection of the dead emperor. True, later the tomb was still plundered by the descendants of the emperor-unifier.

It was also attempted to rob it later, here they sought the treasures and the golden throne of the emperor, which are written in ancient scrolls. However, their whereabouts are still a mystery. By the way, Qin Shihuandibyl in general master to make guesses - it is believed that he, perhaps, was completely buried in a completely different place, and this is just a decoration. If this is really true, then the size and scope of the true burial can only be guessed.

Photo by Xian (37)