To visit this beautiful country, you need to issue a visa. How to do it correctly and as quickly as possible? What is the procedure for issuing visas to the People's Republic of China? What should I focus on when filling out the documents? Here we will try to answer these and other important questions.

In order to obtain a visa to China, a citizen of our country will need a foreign passport whose validity expires at least six months from the date of the end of the date of the trip, a 3x4 photo and a completed application form of form $ $ .The language on which the questionnaire is filled out can be Russian, English or Chinese .If the trip involves the participation of children who travel with one of the parents or are accompanied by third parties, then it is necessary to register and notarize the power of attorney according to which the remaining parent in the country agrees to leave the child .

Visa to China is Visa to China: how to make no problems
Chinese visa

There are times when you need an urgent visa to China. In this situation, it is best to contact the travel agency that provides this service. An urgent visa can take from three to five days. As a reason for requesting an urgent visa, you must attach a copy of the air ticket with the specified date of departure. In addition, you will be asked to pay an appropriate surcharge for urgency. However, this rarely stops those who need visa processing urgently.

There are also so-called group visas to China .Such a visa is issued to several persons who jointly cross the border of the country .Visas of this type are divided into tourist and business .This means that in the first case, at least five people must cross the border .To obtain a business visa, the number of travelers must not be less than nine $ ±.To qualify for a group visa to China, you must submit an invitation from the Chinese travel agency .At the same time, it is important that this agency has an official registration in the territory of the country .Further in the list of documents for visa registration there should be a list of groups .It must be provided in triplicate .This list contains the following information about each applicant for a visa: name and surname in the transcription, as they are recorded in a foreign passport, the number of the passport and the date of its issuance and the expiry of the period of validity .Forms and photos for a group visa are not required..

Needless to say, all required documents must be filled legibly and without blots. Corrections in this case are not allowed. Incorrectly issued documents can serve as a formal reason for refusing to issue a visa. As a rule, the period of passage of documents from the time of filing to the issuance of a visa is one week.

Another option is to obtain a visa upon arrival in China. In some cases, a visa can be be issued at the Beijing airport after your arrival. As the basis of for such registration you need to show an urgent invitation, officially certified by the authorized body of China. Either you will need proof that you could not issue a visa properly in your country due to lack of time or other valid circumstances.

For those who come to rest on the island of Hainan, airports in the cities of Haikou and Sanya can also issue a visa upon arrival. This regime extends, among other things, to citizens of the Russian Federation. To obtain a visa in this way, one condition must be met: the passenger must arrive on the island by a direct flight. Transit passengers whose flights involve transfers $ ±​​$

in other Chinese airports, such a visa is not issued. To obtain a visa upon arrival to Hainan, a passenger must have a foreign passport that is valid for at least six months, and a color photograph. Payment for visa fee for this registration will be 20 dollars. In addition, you will need to show return tickets and a document confirming the hotel reservation.

A few words about the validity of visas. A single entry tourist visa for entry into China has a validity period of three months from the date of issue. At the same time, the stay can be up to 30 days. Double entry tourist visa has a period of six months to enter. Staying on the territory of the country under such a visa can last up to two months.