One of the most visited natural attractions of Europe - Plitvice Lakes - is in the central part of Croatia. And this is not surprising: in 1949 the most picturesque Plitvice Lakes were granted the status of a national park, and since 1979 they are on the UNESCO World Heritage List

How to get there

This attraction is located in Northern Dalmatia, far away from popular seaside resorts Croatia. For example, from Western Istria and Dubrovnik, the road to Plitvice Lakes will take at least 5 hours one way. Nevertheless, thousands of travel agencies and travel agencies, both in Croatia and in other countries, are selling an excursion to Plitvice Lakes.

Search for tickets to the city of Dubrovnik (the nearest a / p to Plitvice Lakes)

A bit of history

The attraction of foreign tourists to the Plitvice Lakes began in 1983, when a special program was developed to attract tourists to these most beautiful places of the country. . Within the framework of the program, boats for water excursions were purchased, trails for pedestrian tourists were built, recreation places were built, father there was an advertisement in the press of different countries . This approach turned out to be right: interest in the lakes flared up, the park was visited by the Austrian imperial family led by Emperor Franz I and Empress Augusta Carolina . What motivates those hundreds of thousands of modern tourists who are sure , that this is the most important tourist attraction in Croatia?

 Nature of the national park Plitvice Lakes, Croatia  Plitvice Lakes
 One of the waterfalls, Plitvice Lakes  Plitvice Lakes
 Mountainous Nature, Plitvice Lakeshttp: // export = view & id = 1vyMrgCUE_izraGeNZvUcvo45RjEqdR78  Plitvice Lakes

In 1991, the Plitvice Lakes experienced one of the most tragic events in their history: the national park became the site of numerous armed clashes during the Yugoslav war. One of such clashes is called Bloody Easter, it became one of the tragic pages of the modern history of Croatia

Attractions and beauties of Plitvice Lakes

This park is located at an altitude of 400-1200 meters above sea level, therefore the air here is clean, fresh, transparent and soaked with the scent of a virgin forest. A lot of different routes are laid along the park: the shortest for 2 hours, and the longest one is designed for a 7-8 hour walk, that is, it requires a good physical shape. On some of the routes you can drive in a tourist electric train. It is impossible to get lost on the route: at each turn of each path there is a sign or a navigation poster.

But, nevertheless, it is not recommended to go deep into the thicket: the park is inhabited not only by plants, but also by various animals, and they can be not quite tuned peacefully.

The National Park is struck, first of all, by the riot of colors and shades . The lakes themselves, which are located in steps, show all conceivable shades of blue, blue and turquoise . The foliage of trees has all kinds of shades of green . on the observation platform over the valley of the Koran, no one could resist the admiration for this color scale that the nature created . Going down to the lakes, you can see how the shade of water changes . But the most surprising thing is to find out that near the shore water has a serious th depth, although this depth is not felt at all by the eye, so clear and transparent water .

Plitvice Lakes

At times, a fish flashes in the lake, an obvious out-of-town among its relatives from less famous reservoirs - tourists are non-gregarious people, a piece of brioche with trout everyone is ready to share. In total, 16 very beautiful lakes, 140 waterfalls can be seen on the territory of the reserve park, the real beauty of which can not be transferred even the best picture, more than two dozen caves, beech and coniferous forest.

The park is a unique self-healing ecosystem. Every year the old trees dying, sink to the bottom of the lakes, turn into white fine-grained silt.

Every year new waterfalls are created here, which fill the lake with the purest water. Until now, scientists are arguing about the nature of the origin of these lakes, to a consensus they never came.

Unfortunately, all tourists, bathing in the lakes is prohibited, but it has its advantages: for many years the lakes have remained unsurpassed in purity, brightness and beauty - despite the fact that many thousands of tourists come to their shores daily. In addition, you can not put tents, light bonfires, fish, tear plants: everything is done to preserve this natural beauty for the next generations. But you can make great photos: piercing the greens, the light here is very soft and beautifully depicts the objects of photography.

Walk to the national park

Experts advise to allocate for a walk around the park about 8 hours (that is, to go the longest route laid in the park, route K), this time will be enough to make your own idea of ​​the reserve. But it should be noted that in this situation in Plitvice it will be necessary to stay overnight. In the vicinity there are three hotels that offer rooms for very serious - according to Croatian standards - prices, from 70 EUR per night. It will be cheaper to stay overnight in the apartment.

A lot of waterfalls in the park, Plitvice Lakes Plitvice Lakes
The park is dominated by beech-spruce forest, Plitvice Lakes Plitvice Lakes
National Park of Croatia - Plitvice Lakes Plitvice Lakes
Inhabitants of the Plitvice Lakeshttp: // export = view & id = 1Bjq6KDg-rqg_8N-W8SWcc4wYzVgLcZ4G Plitvice Lakes
Annually in the park there are new waterfalls, Plitvice Lakeshttp: // export = view & id = 1qyigdYyMztOoUmVG_vWlMax7n_qosqJ _ Plitvice Lakes
Pekrasny landscape, Plitvice Lakeshttp: // export = view & id = 14VVa2NNdSSKSkwYXMgKP8JwPAmjSHX71 Plitvice Lakes
Cave Shuplyara, Plitvice Lakes Plitvice Lakes