Real estate in Croatia. Rent of villas and apartments in Croatia. How to rent or buy a house in Croatia or an apartment. Selling and renting: features and prices.

Croatia has always been and remains attractive from the point of view of the country's living . Despite the fact that Croatia was often in the epicenter of political conflicts, real estate in this country was paying attention as ordinary buyers, and people well-known, stars of show business, who are known to be poor for themselves do not buy . It's no secret that the most attractive from this point of view is the Adriatic coast of the country ±​​$ br > There is an excellent climate, about 300 sunny days of the year, a favorable ecological situation . In addition, the region is simply beautiful, and this is also an important factor in choosing a place of residence . .

New buildings are usually residential complexes that include in itself, apart from apartments, numerous infrastructure elements that make these complexes more functional, and life in them more comfortable.

Those Russians who have planned for themselves the purchase of real estate abroad, also often consider the options offered in Croatia. As the statistics show, the majority of Russian citizens show interest either to fashionable villas in the immediate vicinity of the sea, or to rather modest apartments in major cities of Croatia.

The value of real estate in Croatia is

It should be noted that apartments in good areas of large cities, but far from the sea, and the apartments of the first coastline in small towns are approximately the same: the cheapest options - from 1400 EUR per square meter. In this case, the area of ​​apartments in new residential complexes can vary from 25 to 100-odd square meters, both with a view to the sea, and without. Apartments are usually equipped with air conditioning, and the apartment is enclosed in an underground or open parking.

Villas in Croatia - $

Rent of apartments and villas in Croatia - $

If you want to live a little in the country before you buy an apartment - or you just need a long stay in Croatia - at your service rent of living space. The price varies greatly depending on the region (the islands and South Dalmatia are more expensive, Istria, Middle and North Dalmatia are cheaper), but on average in low season double one-room apartments with the possibility of placing the four together near the sea (but not in the first line) cost about 30 EUR per night, in high season - 80 EUR.

As the statistics show, the majority of Russian citizens show interest either to fashionable villas in the immediate vicinity of the sea, or to rather modest apartments in major cities of Croatia.

In general, housing prices in Croatia are quite high, in any case, compared to neighboring Montenegro .In fact, they are similar to Moscow prices, especially now that the country has become a full member of the EU .Apparently, the inclusion of the country in the Schengen zone initiates an even greater increase in property prices .Well, perhaps, a villa in Croatia is worth the costs that will cause its purchase .Prices for villas vary depending on the area of ​​the house and the plot, proximity to the sea, as well as the complexity of the architecture and the number of different additional options like a swimming pool, air conditioning and Internet..A modest house in the first coastline with an area of ​​up to 100 square meters will cost from 320,000 EUR, a small house 7 km from the sea, but with a swimming pool - from 280,000, and a 130 square meters villa requiring renovation is quite far from the sea - from 220,000 EUR .There are luxury options with huge areas on the beach from 1 200 000 EUR, but the most promising and economical are still houses of about 100 square meters in the first coastline costing up to 350 000 EUR .

As for the rental of villas, the cost in the season is from 100 EUR per day for a modest house in a kilometer-two from the sea to 800 EUR for an elite mansion in the first coastline with a swimming pool, vayfayem and other options.

Subtleties and nuances

It should be noted that the legislation regulating the rights of foreigners in Croatia is very strict, there are very few official grounds for obtaining not only citizenship, but even just residence permits,.Neither marriage to a Croatian citizen nor the acquisition of housing in the country are grounds for obtaining a residence permit..But your own business is such a basis .Therefore, if the goal is naturalization, the solution suggests something like this: the purchase of real estate and the design of the firm that leases this property for rent - at least to its own compatriots .In general, buying commercial real estate in Croatia is a worthwhile thing: there are a lot of offers on the market for the sale of mini-hotels and guest houses from 320 000 EUR and above .Knowing the prices for rental housing on the coast of the Croatian Adriatic, you can calculate that this acquisition will pay off quite quickly: in one summer season you can recapture about 40 000 EUR .

Cities in Croatia Real Estate in Croatia
Croatian houses
View from the sea to the cities of Croatia Real Estate in Croatia
View from the sea to the cities of Croatia
Serenity on the island of Hvar, Croatia Real Estate in Croatia
Serenity on the island of Hvar
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Real Estate in Croatia