Wedding in Cuba, freedom-loving and covered with romantic legends, is a dream that will easily become a reality after a small effort related to the selection of a special tour and the preparation of documents. Undoubtedly, nothing will replace a traditional ceremony, but more recently, newlyweds or just going to become them choose as an important place for one of the most important events in the life of any person an island state washed by the warm waters of the Caribbean.

The reasons for choosing are obvious .First, the tropical climate of Cuba, with its rich in species and vibrant vegetation, unique underwater worlds that you can easily get to know, diving, stretching for miles on white beaches, diverse sights and a stunning atmosphere is a great place to rest. br>.So you can always consider the option of combining wedding ceremony and honeymoon .The only thing, based on temperature characteristics, high humidity and sea winds, it is not recommended to wear lush and heavy dresses or classic dark costumes .

Secondly, unlike the equally popular with tourists Maldives, Bali or the Dominican Republic, marriage is officially registered in Cuba. There is no need to first marry or marry in Russia, and afterwards to symbolically re-celebrate the wedding. Although, of course, and this option is possible.

The ceremony itself takes place in Spanish. However, do not worry, if neither the bridegroom nor the bride is Hispanic. The translator duplicates the text, translating all the words into English.
Wedding in Cuba

Thirdly, the organization of wedding celebrations entirely lies on the receiving side, which is usually a particular hotel. Depending on the wishes of the couple, there will be a light reception with candles and champagne or a wedding dinner accompanied by musicians, a noisy festival with the participation of friends or relatives or a romantic solitude. Organizers can provide everything from a two-tier cake to witnesses for a wedding.

Fourthly, if those who intend to marry necessarily want to get married, then the wedding ceremony can be held in Cuba. In 2008, an Orthodox church was opened in the capital of Havana, in which every Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Sunday, except on the days before the holidays, etc., can be performed a sacrament. The only nuance: to marry on the Island of Freedom can only have already in the passport a note on the registration of marriage.


Since the registration of marriage in Cuba is official, then perhaps the most difficult question is the collection and preparation of the necessary documents .In addition to foreign passports, you must provide birth certificates and a certificate from the registry office about the absence of obstacles to marriage .All documents must be certified by a notary translation into Spanish .If the wedding organization is a travel agency business, then usually about the formalities associated with the design of different kinds of papers, the tour operator informs .Wait for the Cuban marriage certificate will be long enough, three to four months .After receiving it, you will need to translate again, only in Russian and notarially certify the document .After that, you can safely put the treasured seals in civil passports .Properly prepared documents will cost a lot, at several hundred EUR .Another drawback - not always Russian officials willingly go to a meeting with "Cuban" newlyweds and sometimes refuse to legalize registration .In this case, a little perseverance is needed, because it is here that the law on the side of citizens is .

Couple in love, Cuba Wedding in Cuba
Cuba, the sun, love ...
Local musicians, Cuba Wedding in Cuba
After the ceremony and dance is not a sin
Romantic dinner on the coast, Cuba Wedding in Cuba
Romantic dinner on the coast

Wedding venue

There are several options for the wedding ceremony, each of which has its pluses and minuses .Perhaps there is nothing more romantic than a wedding on the beach .However, unfortunately, there is no specially designated territory for the marrying people, so numerous bathers are likely to see everything that is happening .If you are not against public attention, then this option is quite possible .A wedding in a specially arranged gazebo on the hotel grounds is another way to legitimize the relationship .Most often, these arbors are beautifully decorated and similar to those that can be seen in almost any American melodrama with a happy wedding ending, but, at times, they are too close to the housing blocks .

As a venue, you can choose the largest island of the state with the same name Cuba or any of the many islands surrounding it. The most popular are Cayo Guillermo, Cayo Santa Maria, Cayo Largo and Cayo Coco.

The island of Cayo Guillermo is closely connected with the greatest writer of the 20th century, Ernest Hemingway. Hemingway often came here in search of marlin. Today, in honor of the literary genius, one of the local beaches is named.

All these islands are a real tropical paradise, in which it is worth spending at least a few days. Moreover, according to the Cuban law, the wedding ceremony has the right to take place no earlier than four days after the arrival of the bride and groom in the country. To brighten up the days of waiting, you can go diving.

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Wedding in Cuba