The Czech Republic has the deepest historical traditions in Europe. As early as 1348 the Czech king and Roman emperor Charles IV opened the first university in Central Europe named after him. Created in accordance with the Paris University of Sorbonne, Charles University in Prague for centuries has been a center of education and culture, not only for the Czechs, but for other Europeans.

Today, students from 48 countries study in the Czech Republic, among them many Americans, Englishmen, Germans, Austrians and representatives of other countries with a high level of socio-economic development. This is facilitated by the high international prestige of Czech universities, international recognition of their diplomas and, most importantly, the quality of the training of specialists, whose demand is extremely high all over the world.

 Education in the Czech Republic
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Our countries have always been close in the field of education. After the October coup in the Czech Republic, Russian schools and gymnasiums were opened, and the Russian University worked in Prague. An invaluable contribution to the development of Charles University was made by professors from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov and other Russian universities who were forced to emigrate to the Czech Republic, which provided them with all opportunities for work and creativity. The traditions of the Russian presence in Czech universities are still at the present time.

 Atrium of the National Technical Library in Praguehttp: // export = view & id = 14OC16IMzBZFg9MPHC7XE9Wi6EE8oXCRZ  Education in the Czech Republic
National Technical Library - student residence
 Wenceslas Square, Prague  Education in the Czech Republic
Prague - the main university center of the country

Preparatory courses of Charles University in Prague

In order to help applicants, the specialists of Charles University Together with Moscow colleagues specially for Russia have developed a program pre-university training in full compliance with the requirements for entrance exams.

The specialized preparatory courses of Charles University in Prague, unique in content and organization, were created directly at the university on the basis of the doctoral studies of the Center for Economic Research and Post-Graduate Education (CERGE). This ensures high quality of preparation for entering various faculties of the university

The program has a number of important advantages:

  • students are students of the preparatory department (that is, the "zero" course). The program of their training is similar to the preparation of those who have already entered the university, but taking into account the study of the disciplines necessary for passing the entrance exams,
  • classes are conducted by university professors who are the authors of the tests for the entrance exams
  • control of academic progress, discipline, as well as assistance in solving any issues related to stay in the Czech Republic, are carried out by specially appointed curators who are employees of the university. Curators are constantly informing parents about the progress of their children's pre-university training program;
  • the program of pre-university training includes organizational and consultative assistance in passing the entrance examinations.

Czech universities have strong ties with Higher European educational institutions.

The oldest university in Europe - Charles University is in Prague. In it lectured Nobel Prize laureate Professor Albert Einstein. The President of the Czech Republic, Vaclav Klaus, received his education at the Higher School of Economics, where students from Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan are currently studying with great success.

In a public institution of higher education in the Czech Republic, foreign students can receive education free of charge. The main thing is to start preparing for admission as soon as possible and, of course, take seriously the study of the Czech language.

The annual course of the Czech language at the Prague Academy

The annual course of the Czech language at the Prague Academy includes specialized preparation for entering a state university in all major subjects - Czech and English, mathematics, computer science, and biology. Classes in special subjects are conducted in the Czech language.

The program of the annual course on studying the Czech language includes cultural and recreational activities: going to the cinema to watch Czech films, visiting the best art exhibitions and interesting performances.

They pass fun in the academy celebrating the beginning of the academic year, Christmas, the end of the school year. Famous figures of culture and education, politicians, businessmen and ordinary Czech students are invited to the events. Certainly, such meetings, contribute to the rapid assimilation of students, help to understand the mentality and traditions of the Czech people.

The oldest university in Europe - Charles University is in Prague. In it lectured Nobel Prize laureate Professor Albert Einstein.

Students wishing to learn the Czech language at the courses of the Prague Academy are provided with documents for opening a long-term Czech visa (Schengen visa). During the period of study, the annual course provides for the students a winter vacation. As a rule, students go on vacation on December 21 and return to study on January 10, after New Year's Day. But the schedule may shift depending on the weekend.

Duration of the course: from September 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011. Number of hours: 720 hours of Czech language, 170 hours of additional subjects. At the end: at the final stage of the training, students are given the opportunity to pass the exam in the framework of the European Community language programs CCE-A1, CCE-A2, CCE-B1, CCE-B2

In addition: the student will be assisted in preparing for the nostrification examinations, for the nostrification of the certificate of secondary education (diploma of higher education), assistance in submitting an electronic invitation to the university, preparing for an interview at the university.

The main activity of the Prague Academy is the preparatory language courses in the Czech language for the entrance examinations to Czech private and public institutions of higher education.

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Education in the Czech Republic