January 24, 2015 - March 1, 2015

Carnival in the Dominican Republic

Holidays and Events Dominican Republics Carnival in the Dominican Republic is perhaps the main holiday of this country. Preparation for it begins long before the action itself, and even Dominicans have more fun. The most interesting carnival parades take place in La Vega, Santiago, Santo Domingo and Pointe-Canet.

July 06, 2015 - July 14, 2015

Merengue Festival

Holidays and Events Dominican Republics Dominican Republic is an amazing country in every respect, which many tourists dream to visit. In addition to excellent beaches, gentle ocean and good climate, interesting events are taking place here. Without a doubt, one of the most striking shows is the annual merengue festival in Santo Domingo.

At the end of winter, the Dominican Republic explodes with a riot of colors, sounds and fun - the long-awaited carnival begins, timed to Independence Day .That is why the carnival became a subject of national pride and has a national-patriotic character .Long before the carnival between the "compasses" troupes, regional competitions take place, the winning artists get the right to join the final procession in Santa Domingo, where the king of carnival is elected .From each region, about 150 participating groups come to the festival, and each team brings their dance, their song, costumes and masks .Do not concede to the participants and spectators, dressed up and painted no worse than the contestants .At the carnival, there is a competition for the performance of calypso - humorous verses resembling Russian chastushki, as well as a beauty contest for the title Miss Dominicana .

Great and solemn, the Dominican celebrates the spring Feast of the body of Christ. Everything begins with a festive service in the church with the performance of the church choir, after which the street processions come, under the feet of those who go throw the petals of flowers, and decorate the streets with bouquets and garlands.

In the Holy Week comes the time of street carnivals, which in many respects preserved the pagan elements. It is interesting that on Easter Sunday it is customary to go to visit and to the sea, few people visit the church that day. On the festive table you can see sweet pies, chicken with vegetables, but the colored eggs and the Easter rabbit - almost anywhere.

There is a belief that on Good Friday you can not swim in the sea and even bathe, otherwise a person can turn into a fish.

Summer in the Dominican Republic bursts bright and colorful Merengue Festival .For a few days at the end of July, Santo Domingo turns into a huge festive scene .Merengue has long been considered a folk Dominican dance .Incendiary and passionate na performed to the accompaniment of an accordion and local instruments .Spectators are also becoming indispensable participants in an energetic marathon, it is impossible to stand on the spot .In addition to the dances, the festival sounds frivolous songs in Spanish and there are fairs and exhibitions where you can buy souvenirs and eat local sweets .For those who missed this unforgettable event, there is an opportunity to enjoy the festival in Puetrto Plata in October .

In summer, the colorful and colorful Merengue Festival breaks into the Dominican Republic. For a few days at the end of July, Santo Domingo turns into a huge festive scene.

Every year on September 24, the Dominican Republic celebrates Saint Mercedes Day - the official patroness of the country. Solemn divine services, wonderful music and elegantly decorated church attract many tourists and guests.

The All Saints' Day on November 1 is also more amusing and mystical than religious. Young people happily take part in noisy parties, changing into costumes of monsters and monsters, while the older generation pays tribute to the deceased relatives and relatives.

By Christmas Dominicans begin to prepare since the beginning of December .Live Christmas trees nowhere to buy, so everyone is happy to decorate artificial analogs .During the month there are fairs and sales, where you can buy gifts for friends and relatives at a bargain price .On Christmas Eve the whole family gathers at a festive table, mistresses traditionally cook a turkey or bake a suckling pig .Many tourists can offer their services to tourists and night discos .Winter holiday in the tropics will leave an unforgettable impression of .