Are there any interesting events in Egypt in the winter?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Many tourists go to rest in Egypt in winter. I want a summer amidst cold weather, an unusual meeting of the New Year surrounded by palm trees. Christmas is also celebrated here, and not only to please visitors, but also because there will live a lot of Christians - Copts. The rest of the residents in November-December, depends on the Islamic calendar, celebrate Muslim religious holidays: Ashura, the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad.

In winter, other interesting authentic and state holidays and events are held here .In early December, for example, in Giza, the Sphinx Festival is held, and in Cairo one of the world's largest film festivals is .This event is organized every year, beginning in 1976, at the end of November or in December .On December 23, local residents celebrate Victory Day on the scale of the liberation of Port Said and the end of the Suez crisis .In January-February, an international Egyptian marathon is held in Luxor (not to be confused with the Pharaonic race and the marathon in Sharm El Sheikh), and at the end of February the stunningly beautiful Sun Festival in Abu Simbel .In addition, in winter, an exhibition of flowers, boats, a book fair, art festival, children's song,.

August 9, 2011

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