Excursions in Egypt - an obligatory part of the rest of anyone who flies into this unusual country, which has become familiar and well-mastered for Russian tourists. As practice shows, not everything is received from the seen, and it is connected with annoying, and sometimes dangerous for health, troubles. To rest does not turn into a complete disappointment, you need to solve several problems at once. And the first of them: to save or not to save.

Traditionally, various excursions inside and outside the country are offered by the host country. Being in the hotel, you choose where to go, to the pyramids of Giza, to the Valley of the Kings or to a small sea cruise, to admire the coral preserve. The excursion package usually includes everything: from entrance tickets, if necessary, to the guide. Discount is given to children under 12 years (most often, at a rate of 50 percent). The cost directly depends on the number of hotel stars.

However, going out, you see a full range of similar offers from other companies, but much cheaper and with the availability of insurance. As you know, free cheese is only in a mousetrap. Numerous negative reviews show: buying a sightseeing tour on the street, you are at risk.

Sights of Egypt

The second question is connected with lovers to conquer the country on their own: it is worth or not worth traveling alone, without a tourist group .Do not forget, the Egyptian population is deeply religious .There are a lot of radical Islamists, to put it mildly, quite negatively related to the newcomers .Some territories are simply inaccessible .For example, when traveling from Luxor to Abydos or Dendera, you need to know that in the Middle Egypt region tourists are not recommended to travel by buses .This is strictly monitored by policemen .Therefore everywhere it is necessary, at least, to take a taxi .

Answering these practical questions, one must remember that the historical heritage of Egypt is priceless. Architectural monuments located on its territory, archaeological collections collected in museums, religious shrines can not be compared with anything. It is the cradle of civilization, access to which is allowed to us.

Architectural monuments located in Egypt, archaeological collections collected in museums, and religious relics of this country are incomparable. Egypt - the cradle of civilization, access to priceless pearls is allowed to us.

Pyramids of Egypt

The pyramids of Giza (the entrance fee is 60 Egyptian pounds) is the most famous Egyptian landmark, built several millennia before our era. Attracts a huge number of tourists and is the visiting card of the country. One of the Seven Wonders of the World. Pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops - the largest, Pharaoh Khafre - the second largest. The Menkaure Pyramid is the latest and the smallest. The monumental Great Sphinx, whose face looks like Khafren, lies nearby.

Even relaxing in Hurghada, you can see the pyramids of Giza. Usually the sightseeing of this landmark is included in the bus excursion dedicated to Cairo. The cost of the trip varies between $ 80 (children - a discount). Lunch included in the excursion package.

Pyramid of Djoser in Sakkara (entrance ticket to the museum of Imhotep + self-inspection of Sakkara - 50 Egyptian pounds) - the oldest stone structure in the world. In contrast to the pyramids of Giza, built stepwise. The author of the project is the minister of Pharaoh Djoser, Imhotep.

The name of the village of Sakkara is derived from the name of the Egyptian god of the dead. This is the most important necropolis of Memphis - the capital of ancient Egypt.

Pyramids in Dahshur or Dashur - a large necropolis .Here are buried the pharaohs of the fourth, twelfth and thirteenth dynasties .Best of all are the so-called Pink and Broken Pyramids of Snoff .The most unusual and mysterious among them is Broken .This structure of the era of the Old Kingdom has an irregular, as if curved, shape .Various hypotheses have been put forward concerning the reasons that prompted the builders to create such a strange construction: from the sudden death of the pharaoh, which prompted the construction to finish quickly, to a poorly thought out project that caused the collapse of part of the construction .Pink pyramid is the largest .It got its name because of the color of limestone used in construction .

Abu Simbel

Temples, mosques and monasteries of Egypt

Abu Simbel is the most famous monument after the pyramids of Giza and the Great Sphinx. In fact, these are two temples carved into a rock. The time of creation is the epoch of Ramses II, one of the greatest pharaohs of Drenego of Egypt. The first temple is dedicated to the pharaoh himself. The second, much smaller size, is created for his favorite and main wife Nefertari and is dedicated to Hathor, the goddess associated with the queens.

Hatshepsut Temple is the funerary temple of the great queen, whose name was the first among the great women of the Ancient World and one of the most famous among the Egyptian rulers. The building is located in the vicinity of Luxor. Inside you can find a story about the main events that occurred during the reign of this unusual woman.

Luxor Temple (entrance fee - 50 Egyptian pounds), dedicated to the god of the Sun, is in the heart of Luxor, just as once lay in the center of Thebes, one of the ancient capitals of Egypt. The oldest part of the building dates back to the time of Pharaoh Amenhotep III. The temple was preserved almost in its original form. And this merit is not a man, but sand, which partially fell asleep construction. The village built on top allowed this ancient Egyptian treasure to survive until the end of the 19th century - the time of excavation.

The Karnak temple complex (entrance fee - 65 Egyptian pounds) was known to the Egyptians as Ipet-Isut ("the most beautiful of places"). The complex is located at a distance of two and a half kilometers from the center of Luxor and is the largest religious center of the Ancient World. It was built by different pharaohs for 1500 years. Today, its numerous sanctuaries, pavilions, obelisks form an open-air museum. Once the temple was connected to the Luxor Alley of the Sphinxes.

Visiting Luxor is one of the most popular excursions in Egypt. Sometimes the excursion package includes other interesting places. For example, Dendera. This place is wonderful not only for the magnificent temple, but also for the lack of tourist crowds. Such a pleasure for tourists in Hurghada will cost around 110 dollars.
Monastery of St. Catherine in Egypthttp: //drive.google.com/uc? export = view & id = 1MqhtpENuNczGtRvP63aIc_QhD1Nd3dmz Excursions in Egypt
Monastery of St. Catherine
Luxor, Karnak Temple, Egypt Excursions in Egypt
Karnak Temple
Not far from Hurghada Excursions in Egypt
Desert ships are waiting for their riders

The temple in Dendera, a small town on the banks of the Nile, is dedicated to the goddess Hathor, the goddess of heaven. It is perfectly preserved and makes a strong impression on anyone who sees it.

Abydos Temple (entrance fee - 30 Egyptian pounds) is located 98 km from Dendera and is known primarily for the Abydos Board, containing a list of 76 pharaohs who ruled before Ramses II. This miracle-board helped shed light on many events in the history of Ancient Egypt. The temple built by the pharaoh of Seti I was dedicated to the seven deities. The central place was occupied by the sun god Amon Ra. However, in reality, the main thing in this sanctuary was Osiris, the king of the afterlife.

If as a starting point for visiting Abydos and Dendera one of the resorts on the Red Sea coast will be chosen, then such a tour will cost $ 70.

Cairo Mosque Amr - the first on the territory of Egypt and Africa in general. Built in the 7th century AD and looks extremely ascetic and simple. In ancient times this place served not only for the administration of religious worship, but it was a refuge for travelers in the night. They even held military advice.

The Mosque of Mohammed Ali or Alabaster in Cairo received its name because of the material that was used for the cladding. This wonderful building is built in an eclectic style. The prototype was the Church of St. Sophia in Constantinople. The clock on the tower is a gift of the French king in the 19th century for the Egyptian obelisk, now standing in Paris on the Place de la Concorde.

The Monastery of St. Catherine is located at the foot of Mount Sinai, the place where Moses received the Ten Commandments. Since the 6th century, the community has been living continuously in the monastery. This place was and is the object of pilgrimage of many believing people. Here everything is reminiscent of biblical subjects, including the famous source of Moses, marking the place where the prophet met his wife.

Visiting Luxor is one of the most popular excursions in Egypt.

Other sights of Egypt

Valley of the Kings and Valley of the Queens in Luxor - valleys on the banks of the Nile, in the territory of the ancient Thebes, where tombs were built for the pharaohs, their wives, children, priests and nobles. Mandatory part of any excursion to Luxor.

Ras Mohammed National Park is located on the Sinai Peninsula, 35 km from Sharm El Sheikh. Those who want to enjoy all the beauties of flora and fauna should definitely visit this place.

Museums of Egypt

Egyptian Museum in Cairo - the treasure of the whole country. None of the antiquities collections around the world can compete with the Cairo. Two floors of unique exhibits require some preparation, so in case of limited time, it is better to choose in advance what to look.

The second by the number of ancient Egyptian artifacts is a museum in Turin, in Italy.

The Greco-Roman Museum in Alexandria is like a revived book that tells the story of the Ancient World. The exposition is dedicated to the legendary figures of world history and to people who played a great role in the development of Alexandria.

In addition, rest on the Red Sea coast can be supplemented with diving, sea walks, for example in El Gouna (about $ 45 per person), on the island of Utopia (about $ 45). Fans of driving on ATVs will be able to go to Moto-Safari (about $ 30). Cruise on the Nile will give unforgettable impressions, every day opening new and new horizons of Egypt.