Recently, the number of Russian tourists in Egypt has declined markedly: probably all the people who wanted to visit were here .The Egyptians sounded the alarm and meet the Russians with leaps and bounds .First, visa policy is simplified as much as possible: strictly speaking, you still need a visa to Egypt, but practically for a tourist it means that they will simply put a stamp at the airport .All you need is to have a valid passport and any supporting documents regarding your tourist essence (travel agency voucher, hotel reservation) in the next 3 months..

Secondly, since February 2015 in Egypt, Russian rubles are accepted for payment. Not everywhere, but at large resorts, such as Hurghada - yes. In short, all the conditions for an impulsive purchase of a hot tour are created; take and fly.

All the conditions for an impulsive purchase of a hot tour are created; take and fly.
Pay for something in rubles in Hurghada now you can, but do it without extreme necessity is not worth it. At least until the course in local trade outlets will not cease to double the real.

Thirdly, burning trips to Hurghada - really "burning". In the sense that this is one of the cheapest and fastest ways to get on the warm sea. Weekly tour to Hurghada (3 * hotel, half board, direct flight from Moscow) can cost you only 18 000 RUB. The flight will take less than 5 hours, but you will not even be on the Mediterranean, but on the Red Sea, where, as you know, a Russian person is able to swim almost at any time of the year.

If it is clear why Egypt, then why Hurghada? For example, because you might want to visit Luxor, and to get to it from here is not an example more real than from Sharm el-Sheikh. Because you want to be a Bedouin. Because you generally have a limited budget for the trip (Hurghada is more economical). Or because you just like it where a little (just a little bit) is quiet.

Despite all the Russian frost resistance of Hurghada, the direction is not wintery. It's windy here from December to March. However, those who do not expect to swim (or count on a heated pool) are perfectly well served in Hurghada and New Year, and February 23, and March 8.