Interesting in Egypt
10 best river trips
Today, ancient large waterways create ideal conditions for travel, offering leisurely relaxing trips.
 Interesting in Egypt
Top 10 markets in the world
None of the chic boutique or licked shopping center will not bring so much pleasure and vivid impressions of shopping, like a noisy, tight, eternally screaming and buzzing bazaar.
 Interesting in Egypt
«Deep blue» or top 5 best places for diving in the world
What could be better than to leave on time vanity of earthly life and go on a journey into the silent world of underwater depths?
 Interesting in Egypt
Choosing a hotel in Sharm El Sheikh
What hotels in this Egyptian resort should first of all pay attention to?
 Interesting in Egypt
Moses Mountains
Cax-Safsafeh, Serbal, Jabal-Musa, Paran, Horev, Sinai. Many names of one mountain peak. Mount Sinai, the symbolic place of Revelation.
 Interesting in Egypt
Last minute tours to Egypt
When a Russian tourist decides that he urgently needs rest, collects suitcases and leaves, then he leaves, as a rule, to Egypt.
Hot tours to Hurghada
 Interesting in Egypt
Last minute tours in Sharm el- Sheikh
Every year a huge number of Russian tourists choose - for Egypt as well as for a spontaneous and planned holiday - $ $ Interesting in Egypt
 Interesting in Egypt
most rastirazhirovanny image of Egyptian history in popular culture - is an animated mummy
Interesting Egypt
 Interesting Egypt
The official version of the death of Cleopatra is considered to be the snake's sting that was brought to the queen's room in the pot with figs.
 Interesting in Egypt
Ancient Egypt culture
At the heart Ancient Egyptian culture - a man's fear of uncontrolled forces of nature.
 Interesting in Egypt
Egypt resorts
Hurghada is the queen of the eastern coast of Egypt. It is the oldest and most famous resort attracting a huge number of holidaymakers every year.
 Interesting in Egypt
Ebola Fever - going or not going to Africa
 Interesting in Egypt
Best in the world of forbidden pleasures
Every man at least once in his life should give free rein to his forbidden desires ...
 Interesting in Egypt
Rest in Egypt
Egyptian resorts attract a huge number of tourists, the blessing that there is plenty to choose from.
 Interest in Egypt
Rest in Egypt for May holidays
Russia is the only country in which the May holidays are delayed from a week to ten days and they would be somewhat offended to lose wasted or spent between beds outside the city.
 Interesting in Egypt
Rest in Egypt with children
 Interesting in Egypt
Pyramids of Egypt
The puzzle of the pyramids has not yet been solved: it is impossible to speak with confidence about the method of their construction, nor about who acted as the chief ra + $
 Interesting in Egypt
The planet of puzzles - the top-5 most inexplicable sights of the world
So, where on earth can one see the most mysterious, mystical and inexplicable attractions.
 Interesting in Egypt
Beach holiday in Egypt
Seduced by the hot sun, warm sea, oriental hospitality and interesting entertainments, tourists again and again return to the country of sands, pharaohs and pyramids.
Interesting in Egypt is
Almost the same - only cheaper: the top 5 "fake" travel
how to go in the footsteps of millionaires and yet not go around the world.
Interesting in Egypt is
Five reasons to wake up early on vacation
To decide to make an alarm clock on an early rise in the time of legal idleness won by the bosses is capable only of an incorrigible lover - but not in vain.
Interesting in Egypt is
Weekend tours in Egypt
The weekend tour to Egypt is an excellent option for those who want to radically change the situation.
Interesting in Egypt is
Excursions in Egypt
Being at the hotel, you choose where to go, to the pyramids of Giza, to the Valley of the Kings or on a small sea cruise, to admire the coral preserve.