What to see in Egypt?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Egypt - another popular destination for lovers of lazy beach holidays. Meanwhile, monotonous and relaxed leisure can seriously get bored, especially if the holiday is timed for a little more than three or four days.

That's why you should not ignore the numerous Egyptian attractions, the first of which are, of course, the pyramids. Some very sophisticated tourists will say that the pyramids are banality, and the runet is already full of seals and photographs of Russians against the backdrop of the pyramids. Nevertheless, to visit Egypt and not to go to Luxor would be, at the very least, stupid.

For those who, after a long vacation on the beach, are irresistibly drawn to adventure, the rich Egyptian entertainment industry is pleased to provide a "jeep safari" in which it will be possible to look at the Bedouin near, to estimate the vast expanses of the desert and from afar to observe wild animals .It is worth noting that if among the Bedouins there are Copts, it makes sense to try to learn a few interesting words from their language, since the language of this people is the direct heir of the speech on which the pharaohs and the approximate nobility were communicating .

If psychological and physical health allows, an excellent solution will be deep-sea diving near coral reefs, which are located an hour away by boat from Hurghada.

Guides promise innumerable marine beauties, exotic fish and other interesting inhabitants of marine fauna, which a city dweller so rarely can catch alive. In the event that diving is considered a tourist too risky venture, it will not be superfluous to simply ride on a special tourist boat with a transparent bottom, through which you can also observe the beautiful views of the sea depths and the same inhabitants of the animal world, but in a more calm and safe situation.

Naturally, this is only a very limited list of the most popular entertainment in Egypt, and talk about all not enough and books. The bottom line is that Egypt really has something to look at before it blows air conditioning. Read more about what to see in this sunny country on the Egypt attractions page.

May 8, 2013

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