It would seem that with the current abundance of goods and food, it is absurd to go to another country for them. No, one-day and several-day trips to Finland for shopping are very popular, and in many travel agencies such shopping tours are becoming almost the main line of business. Over the past couple of years, a good half of the residents of St. Petersburg have visited Finland for shopping purposes:

Shopping tour in Lappeenranta

According to seasoned "shoppers", many of them are pensioners, and the Finnish powder is better for washing, and the coffee is more aromatic, and the fish is more delicious, and the down jackets are warmer, and the shoes are of better quality..Therefore, every day from the northern capital to the border with Finland stretches a string of buses filled with shop tourists, interspersed with minibuses and private cars (on the Russian-Finnish border only travel is allowed, pedestrian crossing is prohibited) .The end point of a one-day "product-consumer" tourism - the city of Lappeenrantu .There already exists a worked-out route .

  • Supermarket Lapland. The time for purchases is 1 hour, regular cards are given to regular customers, to which some part of money is returned when buying for a certain amount.
Shopping tour to Finland
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Shopping tour to Finland
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Shopping tour to Finland
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  • "Fish shop". What is sold in it, it is clear from the title. For 30 minutes reserved for shopping, Russian shopaholics have time to collect fish delicacies, and smart Finnish sellers masterfully dismantle raw salmon or trout (according to the rules, the transportation of raw fish and meat across the border is prohibited), extract all the bones, sprinkle with salt, pepper and herbs . And by the time of crossing the border, the raw fish will not be any more.
  • And finally, the most "tasty" moment of the trip is the race of Russian buyers for the three giant malls "Prizma", "Lidl" and "Rajamarket". The time here is much longer - 3 hours, but the shopping areas are so huge that the shoppers move around them almost running, although many regular "tourists behind the products" are fairly easy to navigate and already have "their own" favorite corners. ±​​$ br >

As a result of such a rich and fruitful day, every shopaholic returns with 10-20 kilograms of "mining" .Buy mostly detergents (for washing dishes, washing powder, tablets for dishwashers, toothpaste, shampoo, rinse), coffee, tea, fish, caviar, olive oil, clothes (for some reason Russians prefer socks and thermal underwear ), shoes, children's clothes, furniture, interior items .With an impeccable quality, when the detergent really does wash, and the food causes an incredible appetite, shop-tourists receive also savings (on average, 10-20%) in comparison with Russian prices .

By the way, you can get tax-free at the border if the cost of purchases exceeds a certain amount.
In a store in Helsinki, Finland Shopping tour to Finland
Shopping in Finland happens and such! :)
Shop window in Helsinki, Finland Shopping tour to Finland
Shop window in Helsinki
Iittala store in Helsinki, Finland Shopping tour to Finland
Iittala store in Helsinki

What and where to buy

However, not only edible purchases are famous shop tours to Finland .As mentioned above, many go there and with the aim of replenishing the wardrobe .In this case, of course, it is better to have a couple of days left in reserve, so as not to run around all the "hard" places with incredible speed and try on the one you like in a hurry .It's worth noting that Finland does not go exclusively for Finnish things (in this category, only Finnish down jackets are favorites) - experts of the latest trends have repeatedly noted a certain grayness and "sadness" of the fashion of Finland, and for quality European brands, whose value is 30 -50% lower than in Russian cities .

In this regard, "to visit" Helsinki: the most trendy collections, elegant and original accessories are concentrated in "Stockman" and "Sokos". Quality clothes and footwear, designed for a segment with an average income, can be found in "H & M", "Vero Moda", "Halonen", "Jim & Jill". If the purpose of the trip is electronics or household appliances, then you need to look for Prism, Tekniset or Giganti. A good choice and a wide range of industrial goods can be found by looking in the same "Prism", "Antilu", "Euromarket", "Robingood" or "Citimarket."

All the above-mentioned shops are network, so apart from Helsinki, they can be found in other cities of Finland that are no less loved by shop-tourists: Imatra, Lahti, Mikkeli, Sannvolina, Kouvola.

By the way, these kinds of shopping tours are often called by tourists themselves "to look at Finland for delivery" - the saved money is enough to visit museums, amusement parks, a real Finnish sauna and all kinds of wellness centers, in addition to planned purchases.

So, shopping tours to Finland - it's profitable, convenient and nice! The main thing is to take care of getting a Schengen visa in a timely manner. By the way, in Russia documents for registration of such a document are accepted in embassies of Finland, which are in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Petrozavodsk and Murmansk.

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Shopping tour to Finland