The capital of romance and haute couture is Paris, attractive for many tourists and, in particular, for couples in love. And if you plan to join the list of lucky ones who visited this wonderful corner of the world, try to plan your trip in advance. In particular, determine for yourself a list of the city's best attractions. Only in this way you can make your trip truly unforgettable and full!

It is possible to allocate 5 best places of the capital of France, determined on the basis of travelers' reviews, as well as recommendations of tour operators.

1. The symbol of Paris and one of the wonders of the world is the Eiffel Tower.

Built in 1889, this structure is still considered the best attraction of the city. Its height is 324 m, and at the top level for tourists and local residents are equipped with 3 platforms, with observation platforms, meteorological and astronomical observatories. In addition, there are several cozy restaurants. And at night the Eiffel Tower is covered with a canopy of bright and colorful lights.

Spring day in Paris 5 must-see corners of Paris
The Eiffel Tower in Paris

2. Champs Elysees - the longest street of the city

This is where the best restaurants, designer shops and five-star hotels of the city are located. And if you plan to rest in this part of Paris, you will probably use credit cards with a limit of up to 600,000 rubles. Thanks to them you can not deny yourself gastronomic or shopping pleasures. Moreover, with the help of the card it is possible to purchase a premium ticket, thereby ensuring a significant saving.

3. Louvre - the best museum in the world.

Here you can see over 300 thousand works of famous artists, distributed in 8 offices. This paradise for an art critic is simply impossible to get around for 1 day! So be ready for a consistent study of the treasures of the Louvre!

4. Euro-Disneyland - Europe's largest park

This part of Paris is divided into 5 thematic zones, narrating about fairy-tale heroes, and also fascinating adventures of different times. Among other things, you can see the scenery of the Walt Disney studio and show stuntmen.

5. Notre Dame Cathedral - the most magnificent temple of our time

The amazing architecture of this building, adorned with 28 statues of Judaic rulers, as well as the special atmosphere that reigns here annually attracts thousands of tourists here. Among other things, the Cathedral is famous for the fact that it contains the crown of Jesus Christ, woven from the thorns

These and hundreds of other attractions you can see only in Paris - one of the most beautiful cities in Europe!