If the purpose of the trip is Paris, then its inspection should not be limited to visiting the Eiffel Tower, the Champs Elysees, the Louvre Museum and the Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral. It is important to visit cultural events, as well as enjoy the atmosphere of this city.

For example, it is worth going to the classical ballet at the Opera or to the concert at the Palace Garnier .For connoisseurs of historical monuments, the excursion program can include visiting a small church that was built in the Gothic style - Saint-Chapelle in the time of Louis IX .Today it is important for her to get permission for the reconstruction of .In Paris there are many different museums, but it is also worthwhile to visit the Institute of the Arab World, which houses a unique museum of Arab history .It is considered to be the meeting place of the East with the West..In addition, there are many museums of artists - Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso and others .Also worth noting is that in some small galleries in Paris, paintings are sold directly from exhibitions .Couples in love will like the river excursion along the river Seine, as well as the famous "Hotel of Senses", which was built in the Middle Ages .Children, however, like adults, will enjoy a walk around the famous Disneyland .

A summer's day at the Eiffel Tower, Paris Peculiarities of rest in Paris
A summer's day at the Eiffel Tower, Paris
Shopping in Paris Peculiarities of rest in Paris
Shopping in Paris

In Paris, there are famous boutiques in which you can buy branded items .And, of course, you can not return from France without the famous wine .It's best to go to Champagne and make an unforgettable trip to the Moet & Chandon winery to buy a bottle of good champagne there .And if you look to the Boulangerie, you can taste a fresh baguette, which will seem the most delicious of all restaurant favors .In addition, there are real boutiques in Paris where chocolate is sold, for that it is enough to visit the Chocolate Salon, and in the store "Boutique May Paris" you can buy the real French mustard .A lot here and various confectionery shops .Interesting may be a picnic, which can be arranged in the gardens near the Eiffel Tower - for this it is enough to buy champagne, baguette and cheese bri .But in Paris there are many places where you can eat perfectly..For example, the 56th floor of the Tour Montparnasse skyscraper will not only taste delicious food, but also enjoy the panorama of Paris from a bird's eye view..But tourists basically basically have something to eat on the go, because you do not want to spend a lot of time eating $ ±.And for this purpose the "Bofinge" bar is perfect, in which you can try something from the local menu .Or it is possible to have a student's lunch in one of the local bistros in which students from adjacent universities are eating .

Publication date: 02.07.13