Each of us cherishes his idea of ​​resting .Someone likes to spend two weeks lying on the golden sand near the sea in an exotic country, drinking "Mojito" and inhaling the salty aroma of the waves .Someone during his summer vacation goes to his native and painfully familiar Crimea, so that for the hundredth time he can walk along trampled paths, ride an old boat and enjoy the view of rocks and mountains that seem to have been studied right up to the very ground ±​​$ br >.Someone prefers bus tours around Western Europe, attempting to capture as many sign places and information as possible .As you can see, the options for holding a vacation are a lot, and those options that I listed are just the beginning of a very long and informative list of .

Holiday in the style of
Holiday in the style of
Flowers of Provence

All these types of recreation with interspersed with extreme tourism, I already had time to try on myself. However, this year I wanted something fundamentally new. My soul wished the holiday. And one morning, waking up in my own bed, I got up, opened the roller shutters and firmly decided: I'm going to Provence!

Even a few encyclopedic volumes are not enough to describe all the charm and charm of this French corner, however I will still try to make it as beautiful and as meaningful as possible so that you can fall in love with Provence this very second .Provence - these are pretty and quiet villages that climb up the hills, these are whispering with each other olive groves, these are ancient monasteries, rocky coasts overgrown with luscious green vegetation .Every tourist knows that Provence is famous all over the world for its landscapes, which change like frames of a film .If you want - a seaside, you want - a farmer's plain, and if you want - a fragrant alpine highlands .

The colonization of Provence was made by the Greeks as far back as the seventh century BC .On this earth, the conquering Greeks founded the city, which was given the name of Messalia .We know this city under a slightly modified name - Marcel .The first thing that catches your eye when you come to Provence is the hospitality and hospitality of local residents..They say that they have a family - Provencal .From the local cuisine you need to try everything that catches your eye .It seems as if all the Provencal dishes shimmer with a ray of sunshine and exude a fragrance of kindness and affability .Take home a couple of kinds of fruit jam, high-quality cheese, nougat, honey, olive oil and a bouquet of lavender to your homeland..

Local residents are terribly fond of having fun in a family way, and therefore constantly arrange in their provinces some festivals, fairs and other entertainment events - enchanting and yet simple-hearted. A great number of palaces, as well as placers of medieval abbeys, which are hidden in shady gardens, are another virtue of these lands. Go there once and breathe this charm the way I did-full-chested!

Date of publication: 07.09.12