Which East German cities are worth visiting?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
East Germany refers to the territories of the former GDR, which include Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Berlin. Tourists will be interested in Berlin, the capital of Germany. In the eastern part of the city there is a museum island, many architectural monuments (houses, streets, squares), the Berlin Wall Memorial.

Just 20 km from Berlin lies Potsdam, belonging to the land of Brandenburg. There are many gardens, parks and palaces in which rich collections of paintings are collected. You can visit the reserve Spreewald, Cottbus, Oranienburg.

In Saxony-Anhalt is worth visiting the ancient Magdeburg, Wittenberg, Halle, admire the mountains of Harz. In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Schwerin, Wismar, Port Rostock, Stralsund near the Baltic Sea, the island of Rügen deserve attention. In Thuringia are interesting Erfurt, Weimar, Eisenach.

Dresden, the center of Saxony, is famous for its art gallery, opera, castles and bridge Blue wonder. Not far from it is Meissen, famous for his local porcelain. Leipzig, with ancient universities and traditional fairs, also refers to Saxony.

January 18, 2012

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