In Germany, every child who has reached the age of six begins to study at school. The first four years are primary education, then there is a division into three groups. The weakest children continue their education in the "main school" (Hauptschule), the purpose of which is to prepare for low-skilled work. After the main school you can get a specialty in the system of professional education.

Those who showed average results in primary school continue to study in the "real school" (Realschule) for 6 years, after which they can either get a specialty and go to work, or - the most capable ones - go to gymnasium (Gymnasium), where the most talented graduates of primary school are already studying. In the gymnasium, young citizens receive a classical education and a certificate granting the right to enter the university.

Education in Germany is
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The level of education in the German gymnasium is very high, according to the international classification it corresponds approximately to the level of the second year of the university in Russia. School education in Germany is free, and the first two levels are compulsory for all. As a rule, schools are administered by the governments of the lands, therefore there are differences in the programs of different schools.

In modern Germany, more than 300 universities, in which various specialties are trained, in total, more than 2 million students. Teaching in these universities, leading scientists of the country, including the world-famous. Therefore, getting a higher education in Germany is an extremely reasonable decision: the student life in this country is filled with both joys, characteristic for the youth environment, and the unconditional use of close communication with the intellectual elite of the country.

Germany ranks third in the world in terms of the number of foreign students, this undoubtedly speaks of the popularity of German higher education in the world community and its high level of .The reason for this phenomenon in a balanced combination of old university traditions with the latest teaching methods, attracting prominent scientists and technicians to the teaching work and excellent equipping of universities .The very first condition for admission to universities in Germany is an excellent knowledge of the German language, and the most popular among foreigners are specialties in medical, technical and philological focus - $ .

University city of Heidelberg

The oldest universities in Germany have a history-rich history, rooted in the Middle Ages. These are universities in Heidelberg, Tübingen, Freiburg. Education in them is built according to the classical scheme, reverently refer here to traditions.

Other educational institutions

The second group of higher education institutions are branch educational institutions, which, thanks to the strong composition of teachers and the conduct of research activities, have grown into universities. They usually train in technical specialties.

Another type of universities are those that arose in the 30-40s of the last century, during the rapid development of higher education in Germany. Some of these universities are private, but, nevertheless, they are recognized by the state and are highly quoted in their field. These universities are characterized by innovative methods of teaching and experiments to introduce the latest techniques. Some of them are taught in English.

The principle of "academic freedom" is

All universities in Germany adhere to the principle of "academic freedom", so that not only universities are free to choose the training program and teachers, but every student is free to choose the academic disciplines and plan for their development..At the same time, almost all German universities are overcrowded, sometimes to such an extent that not all students have the opportunity to stay in the lecture hall, and are forced to resort to a video broadcast of the lecture .Of course, in such conditions there can be no question of such concepts as supervision and personal contact with the teacher .It turns out that much depends on the student's self-discipline and his desire to gain knowledge and skills..Judging by the fact that graduates of German universities are listed on the labor market in all countries, the principle of "academic freedom" justifies itself completely .

The oldest universities in Germany have a history-rich history, rooted in the Middle Ages. These are universities in Heidelberg, Tübingen, Freiburg.
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Tuition Fees

Since recently, due to the difficult economic situation in the country, training in almost all universities in Germany has become paid, so the financial issue has become a pressing issue for many students. Very often it is solved by receiving grants or grants, which in Germany a great many. In any case, the tuition fee at a university in Germany is so moderate that any student has the opportunity to earn the funds necessary to get an education.

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Education in Germany is