05 April 2015

Easter in Germany

Holidays and events in Germany Easter in Germany is one of the main and most favorite holidays for Germans. With the celebration of the main Christian celebration, there are interesting traditions, beautiful customs and fun games. And only for Easter colored eggs can bring not a chicken, but the most that neither is a real rabbit.

April 30, 2015 - May 1, 2015

Walpurgis Night

Holidays and events in Germany "Spring is coming, Spring is the way! "These Tyutchev lines about the pagan festival, which not only lived up to the 21st century, but is also celebrated with enthusiasm by modern people. Walpurgis Night is celebrated from April 30 to May 1 in Central and Northern Europe.

July 11th 2015

Cologne lights

Holidays and events in Germany A real celebration of pyrotechnics takes place every year in the middle of July in the German city of Cologne. His name is the festival "Cologne Lights". On a grand feast of fireworks on the Rhine, tourists from all over the world travel today - up to two million people.

July 19, 2015


Holidays and events in Germany Formula-1 - the most important and most prestigious event in the world of racing, rightfully called the "queen of motorsport", has long become the dream of almost every rider in the world, and, in addition, is also the most expensive kind of motorsport.

July 30, 2015 - August 1, 2015

Wacken Open Air

Holidays and events in Germany Tickets for the festival are always issued in a limited number - 60-75 thousand pieces. In 2013, the invitations were disassembled in two days, the anniversary Wacken Open Air - 2014 can not be reached: everything is sold out. Interestingly, tickets are printed at once, which excludes speculation.

September 19, 2015 - October 04, 2015


Holidays and events in Germany Munich Oktoberfest - the most popular beer festival on the planet - celebrated its bicentennial in 2010. Annually about 6 million beer fans from around the world gather at Oktoberfest to taste special festival beer from the best breweries of the city.

September 23, 2015 - October 09, 2015


Holidays and events in Germany Volksfest in Stuttgart - the main competitor of the Bavarian holiday. The peculiarity of the festival is that it is oriented to family pastime and is rather a holiday of harvest than pure beer orgy.

October 10, 2015 - October 21, 2015

Festival of Light in Berlin

Holidays and events in Germany More than 70 world-famous historical and architectural monuments of Berlin are participating in this grand celebration. Berlin Cathedral, Pergamon Museum, Brandenburg Gate, TV Tower, Chancellor's Residence become light installations for two November weeks.

October 14th 2015 - October 18th 2015

Frankfurt Fair

Holidays and events in Germany Frankfurt Fair - if not the main holiday of each book lovers, then it is exactly his cherished dream! The largest world book forum is held in Frankfurt am Main in Germany. At the fair, however, the main one is printed products.

October 31, 2015


Holidays and events in Germany The international gathering of evil spirits takes place every year on October 31, immediately after dark. It is on the night of November 1 that Halloween is celebrated all over the world, dressing up in witches and ghouls, putting on masks of dead and vampires and walking around in the streets or dancing in nightclubs.

December 25, 2015

Christmas in Germany is

Holidays and events in Germany Someone is still convinced that a good holiday is necessarily summer and the sea. It is time to get rid of such stereotypes - at least to personally see what unforgettable impressions can remain from a winter weekend somewhere in Europe.

December 26, 2015 - January 15, 2016

Sales in Germany

Holidays and events in Germany In Germany, there is a winter (late winter) and summer (late summer) sale, but in fact winter sales begin at the beginning of the season: clothing discounts range from 30% in December to 70% in January.

December 31, 2015

New Year in Germany is

Holidays and events in Germany New Year in Germany, like in other Western Christian countries, is called Sylvester. Unlike family Christmas, the New Year is celebrated here noisily and cheerfully - with songs, dances, fireworks and loud music.

04 February 2016 - 09 February 2016

Fascinating carnival in Germany.

Holidays and events in Germany Do you think conservative Germans do not know how to have fun, or do they do it only during the Oktoberfest festival ?! Come to Germany at the carnival Fasching (Fasching) and make sure how the inhabitants of this country are able to set off on all serious.

Five million liters of beer are drunk by the Germans in 16 days, which lasts Oktoberfest! And still, some enthusiasts have calculated, the guests of this famous festival eat 80 bulls, 50 thousand pork legs and 350 thousand chickens! Germans generally like to celebrate on a grand scale.

In February, the largest in Germany carnival samba takes place in Bremen. Once you get mad at this, you will never forget it: people around are dressed up in clowns and beasts and pour into the streets to have fun from the heart.

In February, the largest in Germany carnival samba takes place in Bremen. It lasts two days, and at this time the old beautiful city looks like a noisy metropolis because of the large number of tourists. Once upon this craziness, you will never forget the carnival: people around dress up in clowns and beasts and pour out into the streets to have fun from the heart.

Cafes and restaurants are treated during the carnival to the glory: different varieties of beer and wine, sausages, baked meat and famous cabbage.

Leipzig has its own holiday, which locals take pride in - this is the book fair, the second largest in the world after the Frankfurt one. For the first time, the Leipzig Fair opened in the 17th century, now it is held annually in mid-March and lasts for 4 days.

Only publishers, representing children's literature, come to the exhibition at least 400. Can you imagine the scale of the event ?!

In general, in Germany there are just a lot of festivals, and, for example, the most diverse, for example, the Bach Festival or Gothic music and culture - both in the same Leipzig already mentioned, the festival of short films in Hamburg .But two events deserve special attention because of their entertainment .One of them - the festival of light in Berlin .For two weeks all the historical and architectural monuments of the city become light installations .Billions of lights, lasers, searchlights show the capital in a "new light", and tourists from all over the world come to look at it .

During the festival in Berlin, the bus "LightLiner" runs, which takes guests to the main locations so that they can see all the light compositions.

Guests of Berlin will find in the program a variety of cultural and entertainment excursions, music concerts, laser shows and fireworks. During the festival, bars, restaurants and even museums are open until late at night. In no way inferior to the Berlin festival is the magnificent fireworks festival in Cologne. The festival has been held since 2001.

The main thing is why tourists come to the "Cologne Lights" - this is a grand night light-music show over the Rhine.