German (Deutsch, deutsche Sprache) is the language of the Germans, Austrians, Liechtensteiners and most of the Swiss.

German is interesting for its word formation. For example, here you can find words consisting of more than 50 letters: Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz (abbreviated RflEttÜAÜG) translates as "Law on the transfer of responsibilities for monitoring the marking of beef". Also in German, very long numbers written in letters (usually all numbers, less than a million). The longest - 777 777 - Siebenhundertsiebenundsiebzigtausendsiebenhundertsiebenundsiebzigster (zibenhundertziben'unzibzigtauzendziben hunderertziben'undzibzigster), 69 letters

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Greetings, common expressions

Hello Hullo
Good bye Auf vidzeyen
How are you? Wii gets?
Thank you, good Danke, gut
Thank you Danke
Please Bitte
Sorry Entshuldigan zi mihy
What is your name? Wii Heisen zee?
My name is ... Ikh Khaysh ...
I do not speak German Ihs sprahe kain Deutsch
Does anyone here speak Russian? Shirhpt hir emant Rusis?
I do not understand you Ich firshtee zi is
Yes Я
No Nine

For the good of the case

I like you Ih mac poppy
Do you have a young man / girlfriend? Haben Hast do Anenain / Aine Freindin?
Let's meet again Is free vir uns vidar zen?
Can I kiss you? Is Darf their dyh kyusen?
I love you Ikh Libe Dih
Let's remain friends Kyonen Vir Freunde Bleiben?

Figures and numbers

Zero Zero
One Ain
Two Tzuy
Three Dry
Four Fiery
Five Fünf
Six Zex
Seven Sieben
Eight Aht
Nine Noune
Ten Tsain
Twenty Tsvanchih
Twenty-one Ain-und-zwanqih
Twenty-two Zwai-und-tsvantchih
Thirty + $ Dracichh
Forty + $ Firchih
Fifty Fyunfitsih
Sixty + $ Zhexiqh
Seventy Zibtsikhe
Eighty ±​​$$ Ahcikh
Ninety Neinchikh
Hundred Hundtart
Thousand Tausend

Shops and hotels

Could you recommend me a good hotel? Kenten zi world ain gutes hotel empfelen?
Where is the hotel around here? In east ain hotel in der neee?
Could you write me the address? Cointen zee bitre di adresa aufshrayben?
I would like to buy ... Ihm mehte ... kaufen
How much does it cost? Do you have a bone das?
I do not like it Es gefelt the world is
I take it Ihm neme das
Can you write a price? Kenten zi deng price aufshrayben?
Can you lower the price? Kenten zi deng price redutsiren?
Do you accept credit cards? Neman zi kreditkarten?


How much is the ticket to ...? Beef the Diocese of Farcarta nah ...?
Two tickets in ..., please Zwei farkarten nah ..., bitte
How can I get ...? Who are them ...?
Please show on the map Können zi world ... auf karte zaygeng?
Where can I buy a ticket? Von kan yai ainh farkarte kaufen?
Can I walk? Kan them tsu fus gehen?
I'm lost Ih Khabe Mihh Fairlaufen