
Berlin, Tauentzienstrabe, 21-24

Shopping in Berlin The cult place of its time, one of the largest shopping centers in Europe, the legendary "Ka-de-Ve" is not known only by the lazy German, and there was only a stupid resident of Berlin. Even if your goal in the trip is not shopping, visiting the "Trading House of the West" is definitely worth it.

Flea market in the Tiergarten

Berlin, Strabe des 17. Juni

Shopping in Berlin Well, where else can you buy such a souvenir that will be older than yourself, can boast a stormy and fascinating history and tell better than any eloquent lecturer about an unforgettable trip? Only in the flea market.

"Gallery Lafayette" in Berlin

Berlin, Friedrichstr. 76-78

Shopping in Berlin Imagine a huge shopping mall, located in the heart of the European capital and occupying three (!) Buildings at once. Imagine hundreds of luxury brands, fashionable corners, stylish boutiques and mass-market brands that you can immerse yourself in for a week.

Brutal, in places an ascetic, very green and once divided by a huge wall in two the capital of Germany - a city that will not amaze with an abundance of sights .Yes, and they do not go there for the same $$.Reichstag, of course, a pair of first-class museums, well, the zoo .Of course, there is something to see here, and this is not taken away from Berlin .However, to compete with Rome, London or Paris, alas, is beyond the power of .But there is something in this city that distinguishes it from dozens of other European capitals .And this is self-sufficiency, self-satisfaction is .He does not need to recognize the crowd, because here it's so nice to waste time in vain .To stroll around the shops, burn nights in clubs, sunbathe on lawns in parks, in a word, enjoy life .Fortunately, all these delights of being are represented in Berlin with a vengeance of .And the shops, perhaps, can be called the same tortoise, on the mighty back of which rest on other pleasures .

And it's true: shopping in Berlin - all suits, tastes, sizes and prices .Start, at least, with shopping centers .The name of the legendary store "KaDeVe" in Europe is not known only ignorant .Mountains of goods that pour from the cornucopia to buyers within its walls - branded feature .Fashion brands, a convenient food court, a good location - its main differences are .And there are a lot of such shopping centers in Berlin .In the range - popular German and European brands of clothing and footwear, accessories, electrical appliances and similar pleasant little things of life .

Designer shops, studios, workshops, showrooms fill this city with their unusual assortment, attracting tens of thousands of lovers of original and bright shopping.

The second important part of Berlin shopping is souvenirs, starting from the ubiquitous piece of the Berlin Wall, and ending with the most incredible gadgets with the city logo .We bet that you will be amazed at the richness of the choice of souvenir shops in the German capital..But there is Berlin and one more shopping-hypostasis, which is known not by hearsay all neighbors in the Schengen .This is a design of .Berlin is considered one of the best places in the world where you can buy truly unique, piece and exceptionally modern goods, ranging from interior items and ending with clothes .

Designer shops, studios, workshops, showrooms fill this city with their unusual assortment, attracting tens of thousands of lovers of original and bright shopping.

What you should pay attention to: of course, furniture and details of the decor are extremely entertaining and modern .Then, clothes - rare prints, hand-made, bold combinations from young German designers at very low prices .Finally, accessories .Perhaps, only in Berlin you can buy such a number of bright details for your wardrobe, which will undoubtedly be noticeable even in colorful Moscow get-together .Where to look: the most fashionable district of Friedichshain, echoes Kreuzberg .There you can find whole streets, stuffed with similar shops .

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Shopping in Berlin