Is it worth buying in India products made of precious metals? Gold or silver (chains, rings, etc.)?

Buying precious metal products in India is a difficult, responsible and, in part, adventurous business..Yes, you can buy quality goods, but not so easy..First, do not buy gold from merchants on beaches or in small shops..If you buy, then only in large jewelry stores .Secondly, if you do not know how to distinguish real precious metals from counterfeits, then it's better not to take risks, because samples here are not put at all .Thirdly, it is easier to buy precious stones (as they are local), rather than imported gold and silver .Buy quality jewelry in India is possible, but is it worth it to get involved in this adventure (especially since the prices are not so different) - you decide .
Responds Ksenia Mukhina, "Labyrinth" company
Necessarily, it is in India that a chic choice of precious stones and metals of good quality and at an acceptable cost is presented.

April 23, 2013

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