What is the weather in India in the middle of December?

Responds Maria Dashkevich, "India-Tour" company - $
The territory of India is quite large covering several climatic zones, therefore in different regions of the country the weather in December is different.

In northern India, at the level of Delhi, the average January temperature is +17 ... + 24 degrees, but the minimum by the end of the month can be +1 .. + 2 degrees in the evening-night and morning time.

From the middle of January to the end of February in the evening, in the morning and at night there can be strong fogs, which cause delays in the departure and arrival of aircraft, as well as the reason for the delay of the train.

In the Himalayas, at an altitude of 1500 to 2300 m above sea level, in the period from December to February, the average minimum temperature is already negative, to -3, and the average maximum is +4 ... + 8. Abundant snow at high altitudes makes many areas of the Himalayas inaccessible for visiting in winter and in the first half of spring.

Therefore, in Ladakh, Kashmir, the mountain resorts Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand, it is better to start from May.

In Goa and south, for example in Kerala, in December, excellent weather. The average December temperature is +27 degrees, and in May + 29.

About the weather in India at the moment you can find out by clicking here.

December 10, 2013

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