When is the season in India?

Responds Maria Dashkevich, "India-Tour" company - $
The territory of India covers several climatic zones, the nature of the climate is tropical monsoon. Therefore, when planning a trip to India, it is necessary to take into account the climatic features of a particular region of the country in a certain period of time.

A tourist season for visiting Northern, Central India, and also some regions of Southern India - from October till March. But it must be borne in mind that, for example, in northern India at the level of Delhi, the average January temperature is +13-15 degrees, but the minimum temperature can be -1-2 degrees. In southern India, in Kerala, for example, the average January temperature is +26, 8 degrees, and in May +28, 4. In South India, sharp temperature changes are not observed.

April and May are the hottest months. In Delhi, the temperature can rise to + 45-47 degrees at low humidity. In June and early July, the average temperature is +33.6 degrees. Everyone is waiting for the long-awaited arrival of monsoon rains.

The tourist season in Goa starts in late October and continues until May holidays, although in April the coast is quite hot and humid.

In the Himalayas region, the climate depends on the height above sea level .At an altitude of 1500 to 2300 m above sea level, in the period from December to February, the average minimum temperature is already negative, to -3, and the average maximum is + 4-8 .Abundant snow at high altitudes makes many areas of the Himalayas inaccessible for visiting in winter and in the first half of spring .The best time to travel to the Himalayas is from May / June to August: the average minimum temperature is + 14-18, the average maximum is + 29-30 .In Ladakh, for example, it is better to go between July and September .In Kashmir, the mountain resorts of Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand can be sent starting from May .The summer monsoon in the Himalayan region is not as pronounced as the central and southern regions of India .

The monsoon starts from the west coast in late May - early June. And further southwestern monsoon passes over the rest of the country, reaching the Himalayas. In early July, the monsoon covers virtually the entire territory of the country. The most rainy place on Earth (about 12000 mm of precipitation a year) is the north-east of India. But in Kerala, the birthplace of ancient medicine - Ayurveda - the rainy season is considered the most favorable time for the course of treatment. During September, the rains weaken, and by the end of November the monsoon completely leaves the country.

And the current forecast for the coming days at popular resorts can be found on the page "Weather in India."

November 14, 2013

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