In the Irish city of Balikasl there is a picturesque lake Loughareema, which received a rather strange nickname - Vanishing. The fact is that it really disappears from time to time, so much so that you can not find a trace. How does this happen? During the showers, the lake becomes full, but the water gradually goes underground, and the land of a large pond remains completely dry.

But this is not the only peculiarity of the lake .With its history, bind a mystical legend full of secrets and mysteries .In the distant 1898, a certain colonel John Magee McNeille, in order to catch a three-hour train, ordered his cabman to go straight through the lake, as the road was just flooded .In the middle of the lake, the horses began to get nervous from the cold water, stood on their hind legs, and the wagon rolled over, which led to the death of people .As Culturology writes, the old-timers insist that from time to time on the shore of the lake one can see a ghost that looks like a military one..

Disappearing Lake The disappearing lake in the city of Balikasl: try to see!
It was a lake ...
Disappearing Lake 2 The disappearing lake in the city of Balikasl: try to see!
and there is no it!
December 7, 2012
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