The opportunity to travel the world opens up great prospects for us .Planning a vacation, we prefer exotic places, going to school, we pay attention to the best universities, and going on a shopping tour, choose the countries suitable for this .In recent years, the sphere of medical tourism has gained great popularity precisely because when going for treatment, patients are chosen by countries with the most advanced health care system, because health and life are the most important values ​​for any of us..Treatment in Israel is a vivid example of high-quality modern treatment at affordable prices .

Medical tourism in Israel is a priority industry for many years .The reason for this is the high level of quality of medical services provided in almost all branches of modern medicine, including oncology, cardiology, surgery, neurology and neurosurgery, hematology, gynecology, pediatrics, as well as functional and radiographic diagnostics..Hospitals of Israel represent a harmonious combination of highly qualified employees and the most advanced medical technologies, providing patients with the most modern treatment .The high level of health of Israel guarantees the compliance of all medical institutions with strict world standards .Medical centers of general and specialized profile are located throughout the country .You can see the list of hospitals in Israel in Wikipedia .

Large hospitals in Israel are complexes where not only practical but also scientific research activities of Israeli doctors are concentrated.

Large Israeli hospitals are complexes where not only practical but also scientific research activities of Israeli doctors are concentrated .Close cooperation with all world centers allows to constantly develop and introduce innovative technologies that give joy to recovery and longevity to many patients from all countries..Doctors of Israel in the process of long-term professional training are interns and specialization in university centers with a world-wide name, and many of them continue to study abroad, too..Most nurses have academic education, which provides the highest level of patient care..It is difficult to overestimate the contribution of Israeli specialists in the development of world medicine, but the main thing is that all modern methods of treatment are immediately available to patients in the country's clinics .

An example of one of the most famous medical centers is the state hospital named after Chaim Shiba. The clinic is the largest in Israel and the Middle East and unites leading experts, known far beyond Israel. The order of 150 departments of the hospital allows to serve more than 100 000 patients a year. A full range of medical services allows patients to receive any consultation and undergo the most modern treatment within the clinic.

Affordable and modern treatment, Israel.png Affordable and Modern Treatment in Israel
Affordable and Modern Treatment in Israel Affordable and Modern Treatment in Israel

The hospital operates one of the largest medical tourism departments in Israel..The employees of this department carry out coordination work with patients from abroad .The connection between the coordinators of the hospital begins before you arrive in Israel..Employees will translate and prepare all necessary medical documents, contact doctors for prior consultation, place queues for necessary diagnostic and treatment procedures, and accompany the patient throughout the treatment period .Patients are provided with comprehensive information on the necessary research and treatment procedures, explains the possible side effects in detail, and gives clear instructions on the necessary preparation for various manipulations .A well-designed schedule of consultations helps to make the most effective use of time spent in Israel avoiding long-term expectations .Direct treatment in the medical tourism department of the state hospital will allow patients to receive quality assurance and will exclude additional financial costs for mediator services .

It is important to note that the unrivaled level and quality of treatment in Israel is combined with the concept of respectful and humane treatment of patients.

Many patients who decided to go abroad for treatment, are concerned about the language barrier. The coordinators of the medical tourism department accompany patients to all consultations and studies, carrying out the necessary translation and the required explanation. It should be noted that a large number of medical personnel are Russian-speaking, this allows providing patients with quality service in their native language.

It is important to note that the unrivaled level and quality of treatment in Israel is combined with the concept of respectful and humane treatment of patients who are always active partners in decision-making. Personal coordination of the diagnosis and treatment process provides an individual approach to each patient, taking into account all individual characteristics and preferences.