Treatment in Israel - how to save
How to save money? The easiest way is not to go at all, then saving 100%. But seriously, we should understand this issue in more detail. It is clear that most of our readers are not oligarchs, so they do not have money for a private hospital with an individual ward and a personal nurse. But health problems require solution. So, let's start in order.

1. If you are sure that in your city or in the country there are not enough qualified doctors who can be entrusted with their health, you really can choose treatment abroad.

2. You have already heard that medicine in Israel is at the same high level as in Western Europe or the US, but prices are much lower (by 20-30%). Here's your first opportunity to save money on expenses.

3. The next question is the choice of a specialist and a medical center. It is in this order: first of all, you need an expert on this issue. For the primary search for such a doctor, we suggest using the Internet (although the feedback of patients treated by a particular doctor is very important). In any search engine (Yandex, Google) you will receive thousands of responses to a request such as "treatment in Israel doctor laparoscopy prostate surgery."

The next question is the choice of a specialist and a medical center. It is in this order: first of all, you need an expert on this issue.

4. How can we understand this sea of ​​information? Make for yourself a small tablet, in which you put 4-5 names of doctors mentioned in the received documents. It is enough to look at 100 links and choose the most relevant ones.

5. Now you want to narrow down the circle of specialists to find the most-most. Try to enter the name of the doctor (with initials) in English in the search engine of scientific publications, for example, "Israel Cohen Y laparoscopy prostate surgery". Include in the plate the number of publications of this doctor for the past 10 years. Of course, the number of publications does not always speak about the art of a doctor as a surgeon, but it gives an idea of ​​how many years a person is dealing with this problem. And since in medicine, experience still plays a major role, this factor is undoubtedly important for your choice.

6 .On many Russian-language sites where they give advice on "how to save money", you can find recommendations that if you choose not a professor but an ordinary doctor, then it will be cheaper .With this it is difficult to agree .In Israel, as in other countries, the title of professor is given to the best specialists after many years of medical and scientific work .For a patient who has come from abroad and invested thousands of dollars in this trip, do not save a few more hundred and then doubt the professional level of the specialist .As they say, "you should not save on buttons to an expensive costume" .

Medicine in Israel is at the same high level as in Western Europe or the US, but prices are much lower (by 20-30%).

7 .And now you stopped at one or two "candidates" .Now you can return to the Russian search engine and ask for "treatment in Israel by Dr. Cohen Hospital" .Surely, you will get a link to the site of the hospital where this doctor works .On this, in principle, your independent search ends with .On the site of the hospital you "go" to the department of international tourism and fill the primary form-treatment .Usually, they respond very quickly and request all medical documentation .However, make sure that you really hit the hospital website, not the intermediary .On the hospital's website, as a rule, the official hospital website is written and the address on the contact page is .

8. Note that you yourself (without middlemen) did all the preliminary work and thus already saved about 50% of future expenses. In your letter, you indicate that you would like to be treated by Dr. Cohen (conditionally) and ask to organize a consultation / reception / operation with him. Thus, you yourself guarantee an objective choice of a specialist, referring to the hospital where he or she works. Intermediaries, even quite honest and professional, usually contact specific hospitals and therefore can not be completely objective.

9. In correspondence with the hospital you have chosen, you should try to stipulate all possible questions in advance, so that later on the place there were no misunderstandings. For example, the timing and cost of consultations, surveys, procedures. If it is a question of hospitalization, we must discuss the conditions of stay in the hospital, the level of comfort, etc.