The third-largest Latvian city of Liepaja, the locals nicknamed "the place where the wind is born." Perhaps, the wind is not born here, but thousands of pebbles of amber appear, from which the longest amber beads are made in the world. Many memorable places or architectural structures are associated with the Russian Empire: here is the house where Peter I visited, but the ancient bridges or recreational zones where members of the royal family rested. Nevertheless, Liepaja is a modern city: there is a unique rock cafe, and annually there are famous festivals of classical and rock music.


  • 1 How to get
    • 1.1 Search for air tickets to Riga (nearest a / p to Liepaja)
  • 2 Liepaja Beach
  • 3 Climate
  • 4 Attractions, excursions and entertainment Liepāja
    • 4.1 The Baltic coast of Latvia is

How to get

Buses from Riga daily (3 h 30 min en route), from Kuldiga (2 h 15 min, 6 buses), Talsi (4 h 30 min, 6 buses) and Ventspils (3 h 30 min, 6 buses) run daily to Liepāja. Six trains run daily from Riga (from 4 hours to 6 hours on the way).

Terrabalt (, Pier No. 46) serves ferries from Liepaja to Karlsham, Sweden (3 times a week, 17 hours 30 minutes) and Rodstock, Germany (2 times a week, 7 hours on the way). For children from 3 to 15 on both routes there is a 50% discount.

Search for air tickets to Riga (nearest a / p to Liepaja)

Liepaja Beach

In Liepaja there is one of the best beaches on the shores of the Baltic Sea. Here, fine golden and white sand with a gentle transition to the sea. The width of the beach in some places reaches 70 meters. The beach received the Blue Flag for its uniqueness and grooming. By the way, in times of tsarist Russia Liepaja sand, practically without filtering it, was used as a material for an hourglass.

Along the coastal line stretches the seaside park Jūrmalas. It was planted in the second half of the 19th century, and since then its territory has increased to 50 hectares, and among the trees and shrubs there are more than 140 different varieties. At the beginning of the 20th century, a recreational area was created here with a swimming pool, a sanatorium and a fountain. Later the park was built up with luxurious dachas. To date, Jurmalas is open to all those who wish freely.

Book popular hotels in Liepaja at the best prices

Promenade Hotel from 5 376 rubles Liepāja Vecā Ostmala 40
Europa City Amrita Hotel from 1 379 rubles Liepāja Rīgas iela 7 Roze from 2,826 rubles Liepāja Rožu iela 37 Hotel Kolumbs from 2 068 rubles Liepāja Kuršu iela 32
Liva Hotel from 1 172 rubles Liepāja Lielā iela 11 Helvita from 1 379 rubles Liepāja Bernātu iela 11 SportHotel from 1 241 rubles Liepāja Dzērves iela 9


Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
in the daytime -1 + 0 + 3 + 8 + 15 + 18 + 20 + 20 + 16 + 11 + 6 + 2
night -6 -6 -3 + 2 + 6 + 11 + 13 + 13 + 10 + 6 + 1 -3
of water + 0 + 0 + 1 + 5 + 10 + 17 + 21 + 23 + 21 + 15 + 10 + 5

Attractions, excursions and entertainment Liepāja

The central square Rožu laukums is the heart of Liepaja, where from the beginning of the 20th century a rose garden was created under the open sky (about 500 rose bushes). In 2000, the square was reconstructed, and in the flower beds are placed the symbols of sister cities.

On the street Zivju (fish) was once a fish market, from which the name of the street went. Today the market is no longer here, but there is a well-known rock cafe all over the country, where musicians play every evening. This street has preserved several monuments of architecture of the 19th century like the Roman Hotel, decorative towers and the city library - a former gymnasium for girls.

On the street Kungu is the "house of Peter I" - the former hotel of Madame Hoyer, in which at the end of the 17th century the great Russian ruler stayed. In the building opposite - the acting House of craftsmen. You can visit the master class or just take for the soul some work of local masters.

In the House of Craftsmen are the longest in the world (123 meters long and weighing 19, 5 kg) amber beads, created from pebbles of amber collected by townspeople and donated to the city.

Street Tirgoņu, which was the first pedestrian in the city, was completely created with funds received during the first festival for the citizens of Liepaja. Another is to walk along Graudu Street - there are famous Art Nouveau buildings and charming old pavements.

Opening of the tourist season in Liepaja - $

In Лиепае there is also a promenade, time on which is reckoned by an amber clock. From the top of the promenade you can see the sea with the city port quays. It is especially beautiful in the evenings, when thousands of lights are lit throughout the city.

The oldest church in Liepaja is the church of St. Anne, and the largest is the cathedral of St. Jazep (Joseph). Here is a model of a sailing ship, presented to the church by sailors who survived in the sea during a bad weather. In the church of the Holy Trinity built in the 18th century, one of the world's largest mechanical organs is kept. In the same church there are organ concerts, and for all comers there is an opportunity to climb to the observation deck, from which a magical panorama opens to Liepaja. Photo of Liepaja (11)