Sabah is located in East Malaysia and is considered the second largest state of Malaysia, also called Negeri di Bawah Bayu, which means "Country below the winds", "leeward". This is the nickname the state received because of its location, because it is below the geographic belt of typhoons, in the east of northern Borneo. In the west, Sabah is washed by the South China Sea, in the east - the Sulu Sea and the famous diving sea of ​​Sulawesi, the coastline of the state reaches 1,440 km.

For Sabah is characterized by a mountainous terrain, its territory is covered with dense tropical forests. And in the east of the state is Mount Kinabalu, the highest in Southeast Asia. Two million people in the state represent a motley mosaic of 32 ethnic groups.

The capital of the state of Kota Kinabalu is a modern city with skyscrapers. The favorite promenade of its inhabitants is the central embankment, where it is always noisy and crowded, you can buy souvenirs, dine at one of the many cafes, and make a sea voyage to the neighboring state - the richest sultanate of the world of Brunei. It makes sense also to look into the Sabah State Museum (5 MYR) and the Philippine market (Jalan Tun Fuad Stephens).

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  • 1 A brief history of the state of Sabah
  • 2 How to get to Sabah State
    • 2.1 Search airfares to Kuala Lumpur (nearest a / p to Sabah)
  • 3 Weather in Sabah
  • 4 Entertainment, Excursions and Sights of Sabah
    • 4.1 Mount Kinabalu
    • 4.2 Danum Valley
    • 4.3 Sandakan
    • 4.4 Tambunan
    • 4.5 Tenom
    • 4.6 Borneo

A brief history of the state of Sabah

In the 9th century the state of Sabah was ruled by tribal chiefs, whose authority was usually limited to separate territories. Certain ties were maintained with China, and later with the Spaniards and the Portuguese. By the 15th century, Sabah fell into a vassal dependence on the principality of Brunei, and in 1704 the Brunei Sultan lost land to the east of the Bay of Marudu Sultan Sulu.

When World War II ended, Sabah turned into a British colony, and in 1963 it gained independence and became part of modern Malaysia.

In the early 1880s, the American merchant Moses rented Sabah from Brunei, then the lease was transferred to the Englishman Dent. He founded the Governmental Company of North Borneo and in 1881 signed a contract with Brunei and Sulu, according to which the Sabah lands completely passed into his possession.

The company of North Borneo ruled the territory of the state until the Japanese occupation during the Second World War. When the war ended, Sabah turned into a British colony, and in 1963 he gained independence and became part of modern Malaysia.

How to get to Sabah State

By airplane:

Malaysia Airlines flights are made to Kota Kinabalu from Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru, Labuan and Kuching. Domestic flights within the state link the cities of Sandakan, Lahad Datu and Tawau. Other large companies carry out communications with Singapore, Brunei, Jakarta, Manila, Hong Kong and Taipei (Taiwan).

Auto transport:

The main cities of the state are connected by excellent roads, along which express buses run. Minibuses run for less distant distances and make flights within the cities. You can travel around the state by hiring a taxi with minibuses-autoline, intercity buses and boats.

By Train:

There is a branch from Beaufort and Tenoma in the south of the state to the capital, but otherwise this type of transport is poorly developed.

By river transport:

In the interior regions, the role of motorways is played by rivers. Travel is made on small boats-sampans or on long boats.

Search airfares to Kuala Lumpur (nearest a / p to Sabah)

Weather in Sabah

The climate of Sabah is equatorial, constantly hot and humid. In the mountains, the climate becomes more moderate, and at high altitude it is even cooler. Precipitation a year falls from 3750 mm on the plains to 5000 mm in the mountains.

Entertainment, Excursions and Sights of Sabah

Attractions of the state of Sabah: reserve of Orangutans Sepilok, caves of Gomantong, under the arches of which are hundreds of nests of swifts. Turtle (or "Turtle Islands") off the northeastern coast of Sabah, the Tunku-Abdul-Rahman marine reserve.

Attractions of the state of Sabah: reserve of Orangutans Sepilok, caves of Gomantong, under the arches of which are hundreds of nests of swifts. Turtle (or "Turtle Islands") off the northeastern coast of Sabah, the Tunku-Abdul-Rahman marine reserve.

Semporna - once a dilapidated fishing village on the peninsula, today - a popular beach and dive resort. Here you can dive, go boating or water skiing, as well as arrange forays to nearby islands. For example, on the quiet volcanic island of Pulau-Bohei-Dulang, where there is a farm for breeding Japanese pearls. Remarkable and Lake Tingkaya, where the most ancient stone tools found in the territory of Southeast Asia were found.

The region of the fertile volcanic lands of Tawau is one continuous plantation: rubber, copra, cocoa and oil palm fruits .The city of Tawau stretches along the coast at the northeastern tip of the state and is famous as a major shopping center of the region, not least thanks to the local port .In the Tawau city market, local women trade fresh fish, mats, hats and hand-made baskets .Nearby is the Tawau Hills Park with excellent picnic and swimming areas, as well as hot springs .

The Kinabatangan River is the longest Sabah River, which carries its waters from the mountains of central Borneo to the Sulu Sea for 330 km.

The Kinabatangan River is the longest river in Sabah, which carries its waters from the mountains of central Borneo to the Sulu Sea for 330 km. In the lower reaches of the river, which can be reached in three hours by boat from Sandakan, there live a variety of animals: proboscis monkeys, paunchy males which are simply irresistible with their drooping noses, as well as orangutans, macaques, elephants, smoky leopards, rhino birds , crocodiles, viverra and otters.

In the sea of ​​Sulu, 40 km from Sandakan, there is a reserve of eight islands - the legendary Turtle Islands. The largest of them are Pulau-Selingaan, Pulau-Bakungan-Kecil and Pulau-Gulisan. From July to October, here come to lay eggs of a turtle of two kinds - green and bisces. You can get here in 1-2 hours by boat, and stop at a chalet on the island of Pulau-Selingaan. Excursions are arranged by the administration of East Coast Parks (tel .: 6089-273 453).

The reserve of orangutans in Sepilok allows you to see these amazing monkeys from a short distance. The best hours to visit: from 10:00 to 14:30, when the primates emerge from the forest only twenty minutes from the administration building. There, on a special platform, they get their lunch.

The pile village of Mengkabong is located near Tuaran, half an hour's drive from Kota Kinabalu, in the town of Menqabong. Local people, bacau-laut, that is, "sea bajou" many years ago had the glory of sea gypsies, living in boats or flimsy huts in shallow water. Today, all the houses in Menkgabong are raised on piles and dug into the seabed. Also notable are their sampan and canoe boats, which serve as the main means of transportation here.

At 238 km north of Kota Kinabalu is the city of Kudata, which at one time (in 1881) managed to be the capital of the state of Sabah .In these places live the Rungus, one of the amazing kadazan tribes .Every Sunday, women of this tribe, dressed in sarong knee skirts, beads and heavy bronze bracelets, invariably appear at the fair in Sikuati, which is 23 km from Koudat .The nearby shore is not very suitable for swimming, but it will appeal to all camera owners, without exception, .You can buy the same on a nice beach with a strip of coconut palms in Bak Bak (Bak-Bak) .

Kota Belud is a small town 77 km from Kota Kinabalu, remarkable for its big fair-tamu which is arranged here every Sunday.

In the village of Penampang (13 km from Kota Kinabalu) there lives a traditional tribe of kadazans, who supply rice to the entire region. Every year they celebrate a harvest festival for several days and prepare the famous strong tapai wine.

Mount Kinabalu

A separate mention is the ascent to the Kinabalu mountain (4093 m) with its hot springs and unreal landscapes. The park's management is two hours from the capital of the state (85 km from Kota Kinabalu), at an altitude of 1558 m. The daytime temperatures here range from +13 ... 20 ° С.

What can be seen here: an unreal variety of birds, butterflies, mammals, and stunning vegetation - carnivorous nepentes, orchids and rafflesia with a diameter of up to 45 cm. Also within the reserve are low-lying rainforests, mountain oaks and alpine coniferous rocks.

A separate mention is the ascent to the Kinabalu mountain (4093 m) with its hot springs and unreal landscapes.

Ascent and descent take two or three days, depending on the weather conditions and skills of the expedition members. To climb to the very top, have to spend the night in the mountains. It is better to stay at Mesilau Nature Resort, which is located in the east side of the park at an altitude of 2000 meters. Several shelters are equipped on the way to the top.

The most popular period among tourists is April and July-August and December. At this time, it is better to book a hotel in advance. Kinabalu Nature Resorts by phone: 088-257 941, fax: 088-242 861. Other accommodation options are offered by Perkasa or Zen Garden, located in Kundasang.

40 km from the direction of the Kinabalu National Park, in the open air in the landscape park there are sulfur baths Poring. Individual concrete tanks are equipped with cranes - one with hot mineral spring water, and the other with cold water - which allows bathers to regulate the temperature.

Danum Valley

The reserve zone of the Danum valley is remarkable for its amazing wildlife wealth and is located in the Danum valley, 83 km from the city of Lahad Datu.

The reserve zone of the Danum valley is remarkable for its amazing wildlife wealth and is located in the Danum valley, 83 km from the city of Lahad Datu.

Here disappear the disappearing Sumatran rhinoceroses, orangutans, gibbons and bearded wild boars, about 270 species of birds are seen. At 440 square meters. km of the territory of the reserve is located the Center for Field Research of Danuma, and one of the first objects of ecotourism is the comfortable Borneo Forest Lodge. The program for guests includes forest trekking, bird watching, river bathing, night raids in the jungle, and excursions to the sites of sawmills and sawmills.


The city of Sandakan is located 386 km from Kota Kinabalu, in the bay on the north-eastern coast of the state and washed by the sea of ​​Sulu. This city is interesting in itself, and thanks to its proximity to the amazing natural wealth of the state - Tortoise Islands, Orangutan reserve or the resort of Semporna.

Welcome to Sabah!

In the city itself is interesting the Church of St. Michael and the Church of All Angels, the temple of the Goddess of Mercy, the Buddhist temple of Pu-Ji-Shi, the mosque, the Australian memorial and the Japanese cemetery. The exhibition of forestry in the city center has a large collection of flowers and plants of Sabah, along with products of folk craftsmen and hunting weapons. The House of Orchids housed a collection of rare species of these flowers.

Outside of Sandakan, three highways lead out:

  • on the highway Labuk (Labuk Road) you can get to Kota Kinabalu, driving through picturesque plantations, gardens, fields, and forests
  • Highway Simsim (Simsim Road) leads to canning shrimp plants, sawmills and shipyards
  • Leila Road runs along the coast, so it offers wonderful views of the sea and islands.

From Sandakan, you can go on a boat excursion to the mouth of the Kinabatangan River, go up to the first settlement of Kampung Abai and return to the night. Those who wish to spend the night can stay in Sukau. Or go to the island of Berhala by boat - an ideal place for swimming and picnicking.

Two caves of Gomantong, located 30 km from Sandakan, are famous for millions of swifts. 10 minutes walk from the center of Gomantong is the cave of Simud-Hitam with nests of black swifts and a little further - the cave of Simud-Putih with nests of white swifts.


The city of Tambunan is comfortably located surrounded by rice fields and gentle hills, only an hour and a half drive along the highway from Kota Kinabalu and 48 km from Keningau. The local places are famous for rice wine Liching, and the surrounding hills - bamboo thickets (the result of the British decree, ordered to plant twenty shoots of this plant instead of one felled).

Welcome to Sabah! (part 2)

In the local Center of folk crafts, as well as at the fair-tama, which takes place every Sunday, you can buy handicrafts. Other places of interest in the vicinity of Tambunan include the Rafflesia Forest Reserve and the Mawah Waterfalls in the jungle on the border of the Crocker Range National Park. There are not many hotels here, but you can spend the night where: at the Tambunan Village Resort Center or Majora Holiday Farm.

Keningau is located 48 km from Tenom, here you can make a stop before making further trips to the land of murut.


Before Tenom from Kota Kinabalu to reach for a long time, but it's worth it:

  • first by express bus from the capital on the main highway through Papar, Bongawan and Kimanis to Beaufort
  • from there by train to Tenoma (en route 4 hours).

This area of ​​residence of the Murut people is connected with the capital of the state, the only one on the territory of the railway branch, which ran picturesquely along the river Padas. In itself, the journey is very exciting: on the way you can enjoy the amazing views of the Padas Gorge. The tribe of Muruts in Tenom lives in the so-called "long houses", their traditional way of life is farming and hunting. And the main local attraction is the Tenom garden of orchids, where there are more than 600 species.

Photo of Sabah (9)