Is the spa good in the Maldives?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Probably, there is not a single hotel in the Maldives, where there was no SPA-salon. All sorts of rejuvenating, relaxing and improving procedures are carried out there everywhere, using for them ocean water, natural essential oils and other gifts of generous local nature.

The peculiarity of the Maldivian SPA can be called almost complete absence of purely therapeutic programs, everything is aimed at relaxation and improvement of appearance. The quality of massages, peelings, liftings, wraps and other procedures (they, incidentally, are for two) are very high, they are not dissatisfied. Rather, on the contrary: women often forget about buying souvenirs and lowering all the money for a SPA. Claims can only be made for prices that are higher than for similar services in Vietnam or Thailand.

July 19, 2011

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