When is the tourist season in the Maldives?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
If you perfectly tolerate the heat even in the most windless weather, want to swim in the almost hot sea, sunbathe in the bright sun and the prospect of paying for all these pleasures does not frighten an impressive amount, then go to the Maldives in the winter .Approximately from the end of November and the middle of April, the weather on the islands is determined by the northeasterly wind .The monsoon brings warm weather, its breaths are almost invisible and can not cause disturbances in the ocean..The air temperature in the daytime is + 28 .30 ° C, the water warms up almost as much, up to + 26 .28 ° С .Local residents call this season "iruvari" .Of course, during this period in the Maldives, a lot of tourists .

Lower prices for tours make many go to rest during the rainy season (from late April to November) - they are short, although they are abundant. In these months, on land and in the water it becomes colder by only a couple of degrees, so that many travel agents with full right to inform their customers that the Maldives season - all year round.

July 15, 2011

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