Wine / Inbid [inbid]

In Malta, grape varieties such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Merlot, Moscato, Syrah and some others are grown. Local varieties - Gellewza [Gleleuza] and Girghentina [Girgentina]. If on the label you see the name of the islands (MALTA or GOZO) and the abbreviation D.O.K. (Denominazzjoni ta 'Origini Kontrollata), this means that the wine was produced from grapes grown in Malta or Gozo.

There are two leading wineries - Delicata and Marsovin. Each of them has an official website on which their products are presented. We note only a few varieties that Maltese usually drink at home and who often meet in the restaurant menus.

At lunchtime, cheap table wines are usually served: Lachryma Vitis [Lakrima Vitis], Special Reserve, Vigne d'Or [Vin d 'Ohr]. In the wine list of restaurants in the section "Local wines", Dolcino [Dolcino], Red / Green Label [Red / Green label], La Vallette [La Vallette], Verdala [Verdala] are most often found. As for the wines that are considered expensive here and which can be brought to someone as a gift, they are Antonin, Gran Cavalier, Marnisi, Cheval Franc, Grand Vin de Hauteville, Gran Vin de Hoteville], etc.

  • Where to buy: grocery store or supermarket, souvenir shop
  • And about how much: from 2 to 20 EUR per bottle.

Beer / Birra [birr]

"National Maltese beer" - Sisk [Chisk] (light). Other varieties are Blue Label and Lacto (dark). By the way, in the latter it is possible to extinguish a rabbit, an octopus, snails ... Anyone who wants to indulge in a light variety buys Shandy [Shandy] - beer in half with lemonade. All this is produced by the company Farsons (@ Farsons)

Another kind of local type that deserves attention is "1565" from Lowenbrau Malta. Name - the date of the Great Siege of Malta in which the islanders and the Knights loannites led by Grand Master La Vallette defeated the Turks

  • Where to buy: a grocery store or a supermarket, a souvenir shop
  • And approximately how much: 1 EUR.. for a bottle / jar (or even cheaper).

Liqueurs / Liquors

Anisette [Anizet] is a strong beverage from an anise seed that Maltese like to add to coffee in the winter; Limunsell [Lemunchel] - lemon; Laring [Larindge] - orange; Mandolin [Mandolin] mandarin orange (fruits of their production are grown on Gozo) Ghasel [Assel] - m dovy; Rummiena [Rummina] - pomegranate; arruba [Harruba] - tseratonievy; ajtra [Baytril] - opuntsievy

  • Where to buy: a grocery store or a supermarket, a souvenir shop and
  • .. approximately how much: depends on the size of the bottle. "Full size" capacity - from 12 EUR

Kinnie / Kinnie

Kinni - a non-alcoholic drink with the taste of bitter oranges and herbs is produced only in Malta. He perfectly quenches his thirst. More recently, Farsons has also launched Kinnie Zest - it tastes like "orange" than the usual Kinnie.

  • Where to buy: grocery store or supermarket.
  • And about how much: from 1 EUR per bottle / jar (or . even cheaper)

goat cheese / goat cheese / Gbejniet [ġbejna]

local goat cheese round shape is of three kinds - soft (frisk [Frisk]), without pepper (abjad [Abyad]) and pepper (tal-bzar [tal-bzar]). "Frisk" can be smeared on bread instead of butter and sprinkled with salt and pepper, but the other two solid varieties are a perfect appetizer for wine. They can also be chopped in a salad of fresh vegetables and pizza. Jbeinite must be stored completely immersed in oil (otherwise moldy), where you can add a few drops of wine vinegar.

  • Where to buy: grocery store or supermarket, green shop.
  • And about how much: 6 EUR per kg.

Dried tomatoes sun dried tomatoes / tadam imqadded [tadAm im'Added]

This half oval-shaped tomatoes that are liberally sprinkled with sea salt and black pepper and then put up for several days under the hot rays of the summer sun. They sell them both on weight, and in jars with oil and bay leaves. Sun dried tomatoes add spicy taste to summer salads and fish, they can also be added to rich vegetable soups.

  • Where to buy: grocery store or supermarket, green shop.
  • And just about how much: I think that weight is very inexpensive.
 souvenir-shop in Xlendi beach
Maltese beach souvenir-shop in Xlendi
There are also large shopping centers (Sliema) in Malta  Edible Maltese souvenirs
There are also big shopping centers in Malta. This, for example, in Sliema
 Shops that work from generation to generation in Malta are not uncommon  Edible Maltese souvenirs
Shops, which work from generation to generation in Malta is not uncommon

Honey / Ghasel [Assel]

Maltese honey is easy to buy in almost any store, as well as e nature protection organizations (Nature Trust, Gaia foundation). In addition, you may get caught in the eye of an ad like "Here is sold honey." Do not be shy, go to the beekeepers - in the mass of them they are very hospitable people, they will not only sell their goods to you, but they will also tell you about their hard work, or they will give you a glass of mead!

  • Where to buy: grocery store or supermarket, green shop, nature conservation organization, farms / private houses
  • And about how much: very differently, but about 5-7 EUR per can.

Olive oil / Olive oil / Zejt taz-zebbuga [Zeit taz-zebbUdja]

To taste, the local olive oil differs from those Spanish and Italian varieties that we used to buy in stores - it is refreshing and sweet. Now only enthusiasts (for example, the project Ta 'Zeppi, whose small plantation is in the south of Malta in the town of Favvara) are engaged in this fishery.

  • Where to buy: grocery store or supermarket, green shop.
  • And how much about where: where from 7 EUR.

Capers / Caper / Kappar [KappAp]

Buds of kapernyh bushes - spice, very popular in the Mediterranean. The capers are sour-salted (in Malta they are stored in white vinegar, and in Sicily, for example, they are simply poured with salt) and are well suited to fish dishes and summer salads.

  • Where to buy: grocery store or supermarket, green shop, market .
  • And just about how much: not the cheapest spice (try to pick buds of hours five under the scorching sun without bending your back!), It all depends on the size of the can.

Syrup from the pods of ceratonia / Carob syrop / Ghasel tal-harrub [Assel tal-harrub]

From the pods of ceratonia prepare syrup, which in the cold months added they drink tea or coffee and also cure a mild cold.

  • Where to buy: grocery store or supermarket, green shop, market.
  • And about how much: somewhere from 3 EUR per bottle.

Sea salt / Sea salt / Melh naturali tal-bahar [Melch natur Alali Tal Bahar]

Sea salt is evaporated from sea water in special salt pits, which are found on practically all low stony coasts of Malta and Gozo.

  • Where to buy: grocery shop or supermarket.
  • And just about how much: a few euro cents.