

 Attractions Malta Gozo - the second largest island of the Maltese archipelago. It is located north of Malta, behind the Comino Island.


Birzebbuga, Triq Ghar Dalam, Ghar Dalam Cave

 Attractions Malta The amazing Ghar-Dalam cave (or Ar-Dalam, from Għar Dalam, the "cave of darkness"), located in the south of Malta, attracts scientists and archaeologists from all over the world. It's no wonder: the layers of bone remains of animals extinct at the end of the last glaciation were found here

Grand Master's Palace

Valletta, St. Merchants

 Attractions Malta The Palace of the Grand Master is located in the city of Valletta - the capital of the island of Malta. This is the largest building of the city and certainly one of the most interesting sights - its interiors are admired for their majestic beauty.

Mdina (Malta)


 Sights of Malta Mdina was once the capital of Malta, a unique city that managed to preserve its medieval appearance, a city-museum. Having climbed to the very top of the hill, sheltering from encroachments of enemies outside the walls of the fortress, the city still remains inhabited, giving shelter to 500 Maltese.

Megalithic temples of Malta

 Sights of Malta Malta is proud of the most ancient man-made structures on Earth, which are usually called megalithic temples, representing a cult building of huge stone blocks, whether it be dolmens, menhirs or cromlechs.

Museum of Tortures in Mdina

Mdina, Triq Santu Rokku

 Attractions Malta Definitely, the very phrase "torture museum" implies something of a little aesthetic, tickling nerves and frightening. The torture museums are numerous in the cities and towns of Europe, but still a museum in the ancient capital of Malta, surpassed all others by naturalism and the amount of collected tools.


St Julian's, Paceville

 Sights of Malta Pacheville - the night capital of Malta, de jure - a separate city, and in fact - just a couple of quarters adjacent to St. Julian's. And where one city ends and another one begins to fail to determine even the local ones, so are the two popular Maltese resorts:

Rabat (Malta)


 Attractions Malta Northern neighbor of Mdina, Rabat is famous for the holy catacombs - the underground tombs of the 4th century of St. Paul and St. Agatha. Impress on the film is a round, carved straight from the rocks tables, which are called the tables of Agatha. However, Rabat has a completely modern look.

Fort Sant Angelo

Birgu, Xatt Il - Forn

 Attractions Malta Unapproachable, unshakable, brutal and powerful - all these epithets can not be better suited to describe the fort of Sant'Angelo in the Maltese Birgu. When the birth of this large military fortification is unknown.

The cultural "baggage" of Malta is so great that it would be more than enough for any not very small European state . If you consider that the size of the archipelago is closer to not a separate country, but, say, even slightly falls short of Kazan, it will become absolutely clear that here every stone is a story .And this is the true truth: the oldest megalithic temples, the fortresses of the Hospitallers, the rarest cathedrals and museums, the collections of which can be envied by more than one capital of the Old World - only a part of the beauties of this amazing country. - $ .

Start culturally enriching wisely in the capital - ancient Valletta . First of all, the attention of tourists is attracted by the amazing Cathedral of St. John, where the masterpiece of the brilliant Caravaggio "The beheading of John the Baptist" is located . The second must-see attraction is, of course, the Palace The Master of Arts 1574 g . The "snack" - a couple of worthy museums: archaeological, which is located in the former headquarters of the Order of the Johannites, the Museum of Fine Arts, the Armory Chamber and the National Military Museum . The latter, incidentally, to the delight of all the boys .

First, it is in the historical Fort St. Elmo, and secondly, there is a unique collection of memories of the Second World, including the amazing Maltese gladiator aircraft .

South of the capital of Malta are "Three Cities" - self-titled united Vittoriosa, Cospicua and Senglea. It is also worthwhile to lead the restless boys: for the sake of the Maritime Museum, where you can see the two ancient barges of the Grand Masters of Vignacur and De Vilhena, as well as for the Ethnological Museum, which is located in the Palace of the Inquisitor (the most interesting hall here, of course, is a dungeon).

The fairy island of the nymph Calypso Gozo attracts not so much by its man-made monuments, as by the amazing nature.

The heart of the island is medieval Mdina, a city-museum. Situated on the top of a hill, inside a powerful fortress, it is famous for its ancient cathedrals. For example, the Sicilian-Norman Cathedral of St. Paul of the 11th century, where today the engravings of Albrecht Durer are kept. Museum of Torture - only for strong nerves: a visual aid on the theory and practice of medieval tortures. Side by side with Mdina was sheltered Rabat - a modern town where the real "pearl" of the archipelago is - the catacombs of St. Paul of the 4th century.

The fabulous island of the nymph Calypso Gozo attracts not so much by its man-made monuments, as by the amazing nature. To begin acquaintance with the island is best from the citadel in Victoria, to continue - in the prehistoric temples of Ggantia, but to finish it - in the idyllic Calypso cave, where, according to the legend, there lived a beautiful nymph.

Finally, it is worth mentioning the unique sights of Malta, as megalithic temples, for all of Europe. These sanctuaries, built in the 4th and 3rd millennia BC, strike the imagination as a venerable age "behind the shoulders", and frightening stone idols, huge stone altars and slabs, niches and oracles.

The most interesting are the temples of Ggantia on Gozo, Ta-Hagrat, Hagar-Kim, Mnaydra and Tarshin on the island of Malta.