What associations arise in the head at the word "Mexico"? A certain collective image of Ramirez in a sombrero and with revolvers behind his belt, suggesting fear in all the surrounding villages? Or are these yellow sandy villages in the deserts? Dark-eyed Mexican or tacos and buritos? You can enumerate for a very long time, but all this is stereotypes. First of all, Mexico is an insanely beautiful and interesting country, on the territory of which a lot of sights are concentrated - both historical and natural.

Imagine: here you stand in the tropical more often and under the screams of colorful parrots you view the Mayan hieroglyphs on the walls of the Palenque temples .Or merged into a single unit with a surfboard, rowing towards the surf, bringing down on the coast powerful turquoise waves, and behind you stretch the bright white beaches .Or you dive with an aqualung into an underwater cave surrounded by fish, as if painted with bright gouache .Or before dawn and drop down to the best disco in the world Acapulco! And in between - try to try at least part of the three hundred local varieties of tequila - and without any there dudes lime and salt, and as severe Mexican peasants - with tomato juice, generously flavored chili .

Mexico has a very old and in some cases little-studied history, but it is reliably known that it was this piece of the great continent that played the role of the "cradle of civilization" in the development of the New World. It's no wonder: after all, the centers of the once mighty civilizations of the Maya and the Aztecs were surprisingly in good condition, where life once was a key.

Perhaps the only shortcoming of tours to Mexico is a long flight. In all other respects, the country is impeccable.

The capital is Mexico City (Mexico), the major cities are Guadalajara, Puebla, Monterrey, Merida.

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  • 1 Mexico Resorts
  • 2 How to get
    • 2.1 Search for air tickets to Mexico
  • 3 Mexican Visa
  • 4 Customs
  • 5 Phone Numbers
  • 6 Transport Mexico
  • 7 Rent a car
    • 7.1 Car Rental in Mexico with Best Price Guarantee
  • 8 The safety of tourists in Mexico is
  • 9 The climate of Mexico is
  • 10 Mexican Beaches
  • 11 Mexico hotels
    • 11.1 Book hotel in Mexico at the best price
  • 12 Money
  • 13 Shopping and shops in Mexico
  • 14 Cuisine and restaurants in Mexico
  • 15 Entertainment, Excursions and Sights of Mexico
  • 16 Diving
  • 17 Surfing
    • 17.1 We also recommend

Mexico Resorts

  • resorts of the Caribbean coast: Cancun and Riviera Maya (Playa del Carmen and Cozumel Island)
  • resorts of the Pacific coast: Acapulco, Los Cabos, Puerto Vallarta.

A complete list of the country's cities can be found on the city page and the resorts of Mexico.

How to get

From Moscow to Cancun on Thursdays and Sundays Aeroflot flies, and on Wednesdays and Saturdays Transaero. The journey takes 13 hours. From Moscow to Mexico you can get with a transfer in Europe, Cuba or the United States. Lufthansa (via Frankfurt), Iberia (6 times a week, through Madrid), Air France (daily through Paris) and KLM (via Amsterdam) offer the most favorable fares. These same airlines operate flights from Moscow to Cancun, also with a transfer in European capitals. In this scenario, the journey will last at least 15 hours.

With flights from the CIS countries - the same picture: you can only get with transfers in Europe.

  • How to get from Mexico to Mexico
  • How to get from Mexico to Cuba
  • Is there a direct flight Moscow - Cancun

Search for air tickets to Mexico

Mexican Visa

Citizens of Russia and Ukraine have the opportunity to receive an electronic Mexican visa. To do this, you must fill out a special form on the website of the National Institute of Migration and get a document with a unique code that you need to print out and provide the airline by buying a flight to Mexico.


Import of foreign currency is not limited (the declaration is obligatory), import and export of the national currency - no more than 5000 MXN .When entering Mexico, you need to fill out a customs declaration, which necessarily lists all the valuable items that are imported into the country .For personal use, it is allowed to import no more than 400 cigarettes or 25 cigars or 200 g of tobacco, 3 liters of strong alcoholic drinks or wine, one video camera, one camera, gifts worth not more than 300 USD..It is forbidden to import fruits, vegetables and products from them, plants, cuttings and seeds of plants, flowers, meat products, medicines without documenting the need for their use (prescription or medical records), psychotropic substances and pornographic publications..

  • How much alcohol can you bring from Mexico?

Phone Numbers

Embassy of Mexico in Moscow: Bolshaya Levshinsky Lane, 4; tel .: (495) 969-28-79, 969-28-78

Embassy of Russia in Mexico City: Jose Vasconcelos 204, Colonia Hipodromo Condesa, Delegacion Cuauhtemoc; tel .: (5) 273-13-05, 516-08-70; website

The tourist hotline: (5) 250-01-23, 250-04-93

Police, ambulance, fire: 06

The National Roadside Assistance Service "Angeles Angels": 903-00-92, in Mexico City: (5) 250-82-21

Transport Mexico

In Mexico, there is a ramified network of domestic air transport. Regular communications are associated not only with large cities: the popular resorts of Cancun and Acapulco take from Mexico to 7 flights a day.

Mexican railways are much less convenient for tourists. There are, of course, several tourist trains that run, for example, from Mexico City through Chihuahua - Los-Mochis in the north-west of the country or from Cancun into the Yucatan Peninsula deep into Mayan cities, but tickets for they are very expensive.

But the country has a well developed long-distance bus service. The buses are quite clean and comfortable, go on schedule. In addition, in many regions of Mexico they are almost the only way to get anywhere. There are buses of luxury (ADO), first class and ordinary. Over each region and direction "keeps patronage" its own company. The fare depends on the distance, level of comfort and speed. Air conditioning is usually available in all buses.

Maps of Mexico
City buses (fare ~ 1 MXN) run in all major settlements and are quite convenient (albeit often crowded) mode of transport. Tickets can be purchased at special kiosks or from the driver.

In all tourist areas there are shuttle buses - "pesero". The amount of payment depends on the duration of the trip.

In Cancun and Acapulco, public transport is very developed. On the spit in both directions, almost every day around the buses run at intervals of 2-3 minutes. The fare is 0, 5 USD, regardless of the distance. Between the cities of San Jose del Cabo and San Lucas there is a public bus, the journey costs about 5 USD. The taxi will cost about 2 USD per kilometer.

In cities in Mexico you can travel by taxi. The fare is about 6 MXN per kilometer in the afternoon and 12 MXN after 22:00. In some taxis there are no counters, so the price should be negotiated in advance.

Rent a car

To rent a car, you must present valid international rights in English and be at least 21 years old. The rental price is from 60 USD per day (insurance is included), for long-term rent (from three weeks), the rent is almost halved.

The speed limit varies from 20 km / h in some cities to 110 km / h on high-speed toll roads (cuota). The quality of free roads leaves much to be desired, but most motorways and highways are in excellent condition.

  • Are there any features of driving a car in Mexico?
In the Mexican city of Guanajuato is a museum of mummies, whose exposition is made up of bodies of people mummified in a natural way.

Car Rental in Mexico with Best Price Guarantee

The safety of tourists in Mexico is

Special vaccinations are not required to visit Mexico. The country should take reasonable precautions: eat foods that have been cooked, pasteurized milk and bottled or boiled water.

In places of large concentrations of people it is worthwhile to be afraid of pickpockets, and for traveling around the city to use only officially registered taxi (green cars are less reliable). In addition, tourists are recommended to travel by car, bus and train only during the day, and also to avoid provincial areas. In tourist centers and resorts it is quite safe: the tourist police work everywhere. Smoking in public places is prohibited: a fine of 50 to 150 USD.

  • Is it safe to relax in Mexico?
  • Is it safe to travel alone in Mexico by car
Cathedral in Mexico City Mexico
Cathedral, Mexico
Kukulkan, Mexico Mexico
Pyramids of Cancun
Port of Isla Mujeres, Mexico Mexico
Port of Isla Mujeres

The climate of Mexico is

The climate in the country is subtropical in the north and tropical in the south. In the coastal coastal areas (Acapulco, Cancun), the temperature is + 26 ° C in winter and +35 ° C in summer. In the country, dry (November-April) and wet (June-September) seasons are distinguished, which differ not in temperature, but in the amount of precipitation, and especially in the level of air humidity. August - the beginning of October is considered a period when hurricanes are possible.

In addition, for Mexico, high-altitude temperature changes are typical: while on the coast the summer heat reigns, in the high-altitude Mayan cities it is quite cool - around 15 ° C. Also, the country is periodically shaken by hurricanes, and the Caribbean coast is more vulnerable to them.

See also the weather forecast for the main resorts and cities in Mexico.

  • What is the weather in Mexico in July?
  • What is the probability of rains and hurricanes in Mexico in August
  • What is the weather in Mexico in September? $
  • What probability of hurricanes in Mexico in October is
  • What is the weather in Mexico in February?

Mexican Beaches

All the beaches are sandy, public, and, as a rule, free. In Cancun, in some hotels, the umbrella + lounger kit will cost $ 7.

Mexico hotels

The classification of hotels in Mexico is somewhat different from European, and the number of "stars" here does not always coincide with the quality of service. However, hotels in the country are quite high. They offer different types of food: from breakfast to "all inclusive", very spacious rooms, the hotels have large enough territories.

Voltage in the electric network 110 V, 60 Hz. Sockets with flat connectors are used.

Among the attendants are many Cubans and Puerto Ricans. They treat Russians as much as they do to everyone, without separating tourists from "countries". A common characteristic of the Latin American identity: no one is in a hurry anywhere.

Only in hotels of the level of 5 * the staff more or less clearly speaks in English.

  • Which resort in Mexico is more suitable for families with children?

Book hotel in Mexico at the best price


You can change the currency in banks, large hotels, airports or specialized exchange points "casas de cambio". In the resort areas a network of ATMs is developed. Banks are open from 9:00 to 13:00 from Monday to Friday, on Saturday from 10:00 to 13:00. Sunday and days of national holidays are weekends.

Tipping, as a rule, is 10% of the amount indicated in the invoice. In the restaurant it is customary to leave the waiter up to 15%, and a porter, driver or guide is usually awarded with a sum of $ 1-2 USD.

  • What currency to take to Mexico?

Shopping and shops in Mexico

Shops are open from 10:00 to 20:00. However, from 13:00 to 16:00 almost everything in the city is closed on a siesta.

From Mexico, you can bring tequila, silver jewelry, ceramics, woven coverlets, cactus sweets, hammocks of all colors and sizes and, if left in the luggage, some more tequila. It is worth paying attention to crafts Indians: embroidery, carving wood, paintings in the spirit of "developed primitivism" and ritual masks. In the galleries you can buy copies and reproductions of paintings by famous Mexican artists, including Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera.

Taxco is famous for its original ornaments of high quality silver, wicker baskets and painted figures of animals from wood, San Cristobal de las Casas - woven handmade products and embroidered shirts, Morelia - sweets, Guadalajara - handicrafts of the Huichol Indians, Zacatecas - Woven coverlets and sweets from cacti, Merida - blouses, ornaments, hammocks of all colors and sizes.

In large cities it is worth to visit shopping centers: they sell a lot of famous brands at quite reasonable prices.
  • How much money to take to Mexico?
  • What are the prices in Mexico?
  • What souvenirs to bring from Mexico?
  • What to bring from Mexico

Cuisine and restaurants in Mexico

Mexican cuisine is rather a mixed mix of regional gastronomic traditions, rather than a single set of dishes .In the north of the country, the main components of the meal are beef and goat meat, and the way they are cooked is very similar to the American (most often barbecue) - $ .In central Mexico, everything revolves around corn, beans and spices (which, however, does not displace meat at all) - in the form of flat cakes, a variety of ragout and casseroles .The southern part of the country is fanatical from chicken and spicy vegetable dishes, which is easily explained by the influence of Caribbean cuisine, and the coast is eaten by fish and seafood .And the whole population equally adores the hot chili, which here in varying proportions is added to almost all dishes .

As a rule, national dishes can not do without three typical components: tortillas (corn tortillas), beans and hot chili peppers. Popular "olia-podrida" (goulash), "carne-asado" (fried beef with bean garnish), fragrant "tamales" (steamed pieces of corn dough, wrapped with a corn-cob sheet and poured with sauce). Spoiled with papaya, mango and chaotome, Mexicans revere pieces of fried cane-sugar - canas-asadas for the greatest treat.

The bakery in San Cristobalhttp: //drive.google.com/uc? export = view & id = 136ulQFxPnib2qiOpwa4u1TyEqw8w0H20 Mexico
Bakery in San Cristobal
Delicious sweets in San Cristobal, Mexicohttp: //drive.google.com/uc? export = view & id = 1nc1bSRJCMogjVH8AtxnAvvzT3g1gbQGb Mexico
Local sweets
Cafe in Mexico Cityhttp: //drive.google.com/uc? export = view & id = 1HfS8c-aGEEc1LcKcYyz0ukrXIN4b-FmO Mexico
Café in Mexico City
Local sweets in San Cristobalhttp: //drive.google.com/uc? export = view & id = 1T2oNcHboIv7RCSnJ6Ytd4phiGMbSYIaH Mexico
Traditional Cookies

Of spirits, the real glory of the country was brought by tequila, which there are more than 300 species (only four officially approved: Blanco, Joven, Reposado and Anejo). Also good are Mexican wines (mostly they are created according to European technologies), brandy "Don Pedro" and beer "Crown". Popular non-alcoholic drinks are "hurchata" based on rice flour, chilled tea from hibiscus "agua de jamaica", thick hot chocolate "champurado". In the south, produce excellent coffee.

Funny fact: the Mexicans themselves, who for ten years have been correctly treating all progressive tequila drinking by the people, do not at all drink it with salt and lime according to the "lick - overtake - snack" scheme .No, real muchachos are simpler: from the throat without snacks, at best with a sharp tomato juice or beer..And as for the "method" of salt and lime, there are two main versions of its appearance .The first is an ingenious advertising ploy with which tequila vendors successfully pushed the little-known brew from the agave to the world market, making it a fashionable drink .The second version, medical, is associated with the epidemic of influenza in Mexico in the 20s of the 20th century .Allegedly, since with antibiotics and other aspirin in the country then there was napryazhenka (and tequila was just enough), the doctors prescribed the patients with tequila with salt and lime juice: the salt was needed to compensate for the left with the sweat, and lime served as a natural antiseptic .

Entertainment, Excursions and Sights of Mexico

The main secret of Mexico's success in tourism is that they are actually two .One - five-star hotel, beach-sunny and entertaining-decorative - is available in all popular resorts of the country and is especially loved by "touristos americanos", where the latter even more than the Germans on Turkish beaches .And here is "Mexico No. 2" - these are the unearthly pyramids of Teotihuacan, the Indian-colonial Oaxaca, the magical Uxmal and many other places directly connected with the mysterious Mayan civilization that has dissolved in ages ... $ .Maybe the southern tan from a trip to the ancient monuments of the country and do not bring, but the impression of such a trip certainly will last longer than a dark shade of the skin .

Teotihuacan ("The place where the gods are born") - it is still unclear when the first people began to settle here and why the city was abandoned, but its architectural monuments shake the imagination. The Pyramids of Teotihuacan are located about 40 kilometers to the north-east of the capital, Mexico City.

Taxco, a picturesque mountain town that is under the auspices of UNESCO as a World Cultural Monument, has retained planning and development with typical cobbled streets and houses typical of the colonial period.

South-east of Mexico City, in Cholula, are the ruins of a huge "pyramid-matryoshka", lined with giant stone slabs, covered with ornate carving.

Puebla is located about 100 km east of Mexico City at the foot of the volcano Popocatepetl and was founded in 1531. It has preserved such outstanding religious buildings as a cathedral of the 16th and 17th centuries, beautiful buildings like the old Archbishop's palace, and a number of residential buildings with walls tiled with colored tiles - "Azulejos."

The Mexican entertainment center KidZania (Kizaniya) is a small copy of the real city for children. It includes buildings, shops, theaters and public transport. Children can spend the whole day here choosing any of 70 occupations.

Oaxaca is located in the southeast of Mexico and is the capital of the eponymous state. The city was founded in 1532 by Spanish immigrants who came after Hernan Cortes. A special charm of Oaxaca in the combination of Indian traditions and colonial splendor. The city is also famous for being the center of production of "Mescal" - a special kind of tequila, here it can be tried absolutely everywhere.

Monte Alban is the ritual center of three civilizations. The Monte Alban complex, with its terraces, dams, canals, pyramids and artificial hills, was literally carved out of the mountains, becoming a masterpiece of sacred topography for more than 1,500 years, replacing each other with Olmec, Zapotec and Mishteks.

The Yucatan Peninsula is the cradle of the Mayan civilization and the center of a vast number of archaeological sites.

Uxmal ("Built three times") is another important ceremonial center of Maya in Yucatan. The local monuments of history are simply countless - the Great Pyramid, the Pyramid of the Sorcerer ("The House of the Dwarf"), 38 m high, the well-preserved building of the ruler's palace with its famous "throne of the two-headed jaguar", the Phallus Temple, the Turtle House, the quadrangle of the Monastery Monastery and the Pyramid of the old witch. $ sport. Children can spend the whole day here choosing any of 70 occupations.}}

Palenque is a historical mystery of the country. This famous Mayan city is located in the mountain jungle and is surrounded on all sides by tropical vegetation. More than 1,400 of its well-preserved buildings occupy an area four times larger than any of the famous Mayan cities.

Merida is the capital of the state of Yucatán. The city was founded in 1542 on the ruins of one of the Mayan cities. Merida is famous for one of the best traditional markets in Mexico. This is where you can buy a hammock for every taste (family, for two, for one, color and just white), all of them of great quality.

Chichen Itza - this sacred place was one of the greatest centers of the Maya Indians on the Yucatan Peninsula. For about a thousand years of history, different peoples left their mark on the city. Representations of the Maya, the Toltec and the Itza about the world and the universe were reflected in stone monuments and art works.

Monday, as a rule, a day off in all theaters, museums and archaeological sites.
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Unforgettable trip to Mexico


The possibilities for diving in Mexico are impressive: in the national marine park of the corals of Cozumel is the second largest coral reef on the planet .And in the sea of ​​Cortez, which Jacques-Yves Cousteau called the "aquarium of the world", a lot of rare species of fish, rays and other cold-blooded animals live..Dive into old and modern races on the coasts of the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific, and on the Yucatan Peninsula, divers are waiting for the opportunity to travel along the long underground rivers, exploring the underwater caves and grottos..

Popular dive sites: Cozumel, Cancun, La Paz, Riviera Maya, Playa del Carmen, Riviera Nayarit.


"Poterfit" can be practically at any Mexican resort: to the services of those who like to walk along the water, quiet fishing beaches with small waves and popular surf beaches where you can fly up to the crest of 8-meter height. The country regularly hosts international competitions.

In general, the Gulf of Mexico is more suitable for beginners, and to compete with the strong currents of the Pacific coast will be able to only experienced surfers. The most famous surfing beaches are in Mazatlana, Cancun, Riviera Nayarit, Merida and Puerto Escondido. Photos of Mexico (249)