Every year, more than 30,000 students from all over the world come to New Zealand, primarily to learn English. They are attracted by quality education and a high standard of living with relatively low costs of tuition and accommodation (on average 20-25% lower than in the UK).

Education system

"Summer" New Zealand holidays last 6 weeks - from December to mid-January, after them begins a new school year. The education system in New Zealand is built according to the "British model": primary school from 5-6 to 12 years (1-8 years of schooling), secondary school 12-16 years (9-11 years of schooling), "high" high school high school - 16-19 years (12-13 years of study), technical institutes and polytechnics and / or universities.

Education in New Zealand
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As a rule, foreign children are enrolled in high school, but some private boarding schools accept children from 12-13 or even from 5 years (for example, Strathallan School & College, private educational institution in Oakland). However, according to the law, one of the parents must live in the country together with a child under the age of 13.


Those wishing to travel to New Zealand for a less than three-month training program receive an ordinary tourist visa, the same one whose program exceeds this deadline requires a separate student visa, for which you will have to undergo a medical examination. The registration of such a visa will take approximately three months. Holders of student visas are entitled to receive guest visas for their family members.

Cost of

Approximate cost of English courses in New Zealand is from 230 NZD per week, the cost of education in secondary school is from 8000 NZD per year, at the university - about 10,000 NZD per year.

View of Wellington Education in New Zealand
The Parliament House in Wellington is Education in New Zealand
Skyscrapers of Auckland Education in New Zealand
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Education in New Zealand