New Zealand is famous for its chic nature - geysers, mountains and lakes, forests and grottoes, glaciers and beaches. A well-developed ecological movement allows preserving all this magnificence in an almost primordial state, even in the regions of large cities.

In addition to the beautiful unique nature and rich "excursion", the country has another very significant plus in the eyes of a certain category of tourists - the deserved title of the motherland of extreme and active tourism..Adrenaline in the blood is thrown out even from a simple listing of local entertainment .The first place in this list is bungee jumping - it seems local from the cradle begin to jump from various heights upside down .Next are skydiving (or simply parachutism of all kinds) and gliding, rap jumping (Never heard? But it's just a run down a sheer rock or wall of a high-rise building with a rope tied to the back) and air surfing, as well as zorbing from the mountain inside the transparent ball) and much more .

Even in New Zealand, you can watch whales, admire the mighty fjords and millennia glaciers, wander around cozy Wellington and bustling Oakland or, if you're not kidding, learn English.

Well, fans of fantasy, of course, are aware that it was in New Zealand that the world-famous trilogy "The Lord of the Rings" was filmed. The surroundings of Tongariro and Ruapehu volcanoes, the Wikato River and the town of Queenstown are still places of pilgrimage for the fans of the film.

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The capital is Wellington.

Large cities: Auckland, Queenstown, Christchurch, Dunedin.

For a complete list of interesting cities to visit, visit the city page and New Zealand resorts.


  • 1 How to get to New Zealand?
    • 1.1 Flight search in New Zealand
  • 2 Visa to New Zealand
  • 3 Customs
  • 4 Useful phone numbers are
  • 5 Transport New Zealand
  • 6 Rent a car
  • 7 The safety of tourists in New Zealand is
  • 8 The climate of New Zealand is
  • 9 New Zealand hotels
  • 10 Money
    • 10.1 Book a hotel in New Zealand at the best price
  • 11 New Zealand Cuisines and Restaurants
  • 12 Shopping and shopping
  • 13 Diving
  • 14 Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions of New Zealand
    • 14.1 We also recommend

How to get to New Zealand?

From Moscow to Oakland you can get in several ways:

  • Flights by Aeroflot and Cathay Pacific Moscow-Hong Kong-Oakland (total flight time, including waiting for docking - about 26 hours). This is the most convenient option.
  • Flights a / to JAL to Tokyo, then from Air New Zealand (total flight time is about 32 hours).
  • Flight Korean Air Moscow - Seoul - Auckland (total flight time 30-35 hours, depending on the docking).
  • Flight tickets to / from Emirates Moscow - Dubai - Auckland (in flight - about 30 hours). The minus of this method is three whole plantings (except for Dubai and Oakland, there is always a landing in one of the cities of Australia, usually Sydney or Melbourne).
  • Aeroflot and American Airlines flights (as well as Qantas Airways, United Airways, Air New Zealand) Moscow-Los Angeles-Oakland (about 30, 5 hours). Less of this option - you need to put an American visa.
  • Flights by Air China, Dragonair, Air New Zealand Moscow - Beijing - Hong Kong - Auckland (about 30 hours).

There are also variants of flights through Sydney, Delhi, Paris, Singapore and others. Since most tourists combine a visit to New Zealand with a visit to Australia, the flights are mainly made through Australia.

With the help of the listed airlines in New Zealand you can get through Wellington or Christchurch. When departing from the country, the tax is levied from 20 to 25 NZD depending on the airport.

Flight search in New Zealand

Visa to New Zealand

To visit New Zealand, Russian citizens need a visa.


Import and export of foreign and national currency is unlimited (the declaration is obligatory if the amount exceeds 10 000 NZD). Citizens over 17 years can duty-free import up to 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250 g of tobacco or a mixture of all three types - no more than 250 grams, up to 4, 5 liters of wine or beer, up to 1, 125 liters of strong alcoholic beverages or pure alcohol , as well as personal consumption goods with a total value of up to 700 NZD.

It is forbidden to import food products (including most types of canned food), drugs, any plants, objects of animal and vegetable origin (including soil and wood), beekeeping products, pet food, ivory in any form, tortoise shell, bone and the tusks of the sea beast, rhinoceros horns and tiger skin, as well as leather products of representatives of the cat family .It is forbidden to import a whole range of diuretics, hypnotics and sedatives, heart drugs, tranquilizers, all kinds of vaccines, as well as medicines for the production of which musk is used (if their necessity is not confirmed by the appropriate medical prescriptions).The importation of weapons is prohibited, but if a special permit has been received in advance from the New Zealand police, it is possible to import firearms and cold steel with a mandatory customs declaration .Import of domestic animals from countries where a rabies virus is registered or insufficient control over this disease (and Russia is included in this category) is not allowed in any form .

Useful phone numbers are

Embassy of New Zealand in Moscow: st. Cook, 44; tel .: (495) 956-35-79, 956-26-42

The Russian Embassy in Wellington: 57 Messines Road, Karori; tel .: (4) 476-61-13; website

Medical care: 111

Transport New Zealand

The country has well developed intercity bus routes, however, tickets for such flights are not cheap (a trip from Wellington to Oakland is about 100 NZD). There is a system of discounts and preferential travel. The buses of small local companies are slightly lower. Tickets for any intercity bus must be booked in advance.

City buses are in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin. Wellington also has trolleybuses. The ticket price is from 1, 5 to 2, 5 NZD depending on the duration of the trip (routes are divided into zones). Tickets can be purchased at special kiosks. Between the North and South Islands there are ferries, several trips a day from Wellington to Picton. The journey time is 3 hours, the cost of the trip is ~ 44 NZD (or ~ 22 NZD, if the ticket is booked for a week). Also between the islands are fast-moving passenger catamarans (traveling time is 2 hours 15 minutes), but tickets for them cost more - about 60 NZD. These tickets are also better booked in advance.

Maps of New Zealand
Taxis in New Zealand are ubiquitous. The cost of the trip is about 1 NZD per person for landing and 4-5 NZD per kilometer. Railway transport in the country is developed relatively weakly (only 8 lines), but the fare for the train is often less than for the bus following the same route.

Rent a car

To rent a car, you must present valid international rights in English and be at least 21 years old. The cost of rent is from 60 NZD per day (insurance is included), with a long lease (from three weeks), the rent is almost halved.

The safety of tourists in New Zealand is

New Zealand - a very safe country, the attitude to tourists here is very friendly. The level of crime in the country is very low. There are no poisonous snakes or dangerous animals, there are almost no bloodsucking insects. The only harmful insects are sand fleas, which are numerous on the beach (they, like ordinary Central Russian mosquitoes, are afraid of repellents). Also on the islands is a very rare poisonous spider "katilo."

Water from the tap is good for drinking. Milk and milk products are thoroughly processed. Meat, poultry, seafood, vegetables and fruits - all this is also quite safe, if you do not forget about the basic rules of hygiene.

Tobacco is sold everywhere, but it is very expensive. Smoking is prohibited in all public places, in all modes of transport, as well as in hotels and even some restaurants. Strong spirits are sold only in specialized stores "Bottle Store". In some restaurants you can bring your own alcoholic beverages: on the doors of such establishments there hangs a sign with the abbreviation "BYO" (Bring Your Own).

On the streets and in public institutions is very clean, litter on the streets is not accepted.

The local population is friendly and friendly. There are no special restrictions on clothes, even when visiting churches and traditional Maori holidays. There are no restrictions on photography either, but still in museums and churches one should ask permission (or pay attention to explanatory plaques).

Lake Tekapo on the island of South New Zealand
Lake Tekapo
Hot Spring Champagne Pool in Rotorua New Zealand
Hot Spring in Rotorua
Antique houses of New Zealand New Zealand
Methodist Church in New Zealand

The climate of New Zealand is

The country has a subtropical marine climate. January is the warmest month (the peak of local summer), the average temperature in the North Island is +19 ° C, at the southern temperature +14 ° C. July is the coldest month, the average temperature on the North Island is +12 ° C, at Southern +5 ° C. New Zealand winters are accompanied by heavy snowfall in the local Alps (South Island) and in the mountains in the center of the North Island. Sometimes snow falls in the lowlands of the country, mainly in the south of the South Island, but more often there are heavy rains. The tides in the morning and in the evening are quite noticeable.

See also the weather forecast for the main resorts and cities in New Zealand.

New Zealand hotels

New Zealand hotels of good standard, their "star" is quite consistent with international standards. There are "lodges" - hotels located in nature (usually near the source of water).

The voltage in the network is 220 V, 50 Hz. Sockets three-contact with flat pins, an adapter can be bought or rented at the hotel. Most hotels supply 110 volts with a maximum power of 20 watts per socket, sufficient only for electric shavers.


Currency can be exchanged at airports, bank branches and specialized exchange offices. Banks are open from 9:00 to 16:30 from Monday to Friday.

Credit cards of the world's leading systems and traveler's checks are serviced everywhere. Tourist checks are exchanged at the official rate in banks, large hotels and in some stores. To avoid additional expenses during the exchange, it is better to use traveler's checks in US dollars, pounds sterling or Australian dollars.

In the New Zealand restaurant (but not in a simple cafe) it's customary to leave 10% of the order amount. In provincial institutions, the tip is usually not taken. Also it is customary to leave "for tea" to guides and drivers.

Book a hotel in New Zealand at the best price

New Zealand Cuisines and Restaurants

The islands are "taxied" Anglo-Saxon cuisine with its traditional fish or meat with fried potatoes, steaks and roast beef. Strangely enough, seafood is relatively rare, but in the menu you can still find oysters, lobsters, crustaceans and different types of fish. Local culinary "chip" - fried or baked sweet potato "kumara" and various products cooked on open fire.

In New Zealand produce a lot of first-class cheeses of the "French type". From alcoholic beverages local beer and wine deserve attention, which are considered to be among the best in the world.

Shopping and shopping

Shops are usually open on weekdays from 9:00 to 17:30, many large stores work and on weekends - from 10:00 to 13:00. In the resort areas most shops are open from 9:00 to 19: 00-21: 00.

In the country you can buy clothes of good quality, children's products, products made of sheep skins. Local souvenirs - samples of folk art of Maori, jewelry from mother of pearl of New Zealand oysters, therapeutic cosmetics based on unique plants that grow only in New Zealand.


Diving is spread mainly in the North Island area - on the islands of Pur Knights (Poor Knights Islands). The season here continues throughout the year, each period has its own characteristics: from January to April, the water temperature +20 .. + 23 ° C, visibility 20 m; from May to September +15 .. +17 ° C, visibility to 30 m, from September to January +20 ° C, visibility is worse (but at this time you can see the largest number of fish species).

On the South Island, diving is organized in the area of ​​the sank in 1986 in the Marlborough Sounds National Park area of ​​the Soviet cruise liner Mikhail Lermontov.
Stunning views of New Zealand

Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions of New Zealand

Queenstown is the second most visited tourist center in the country, it serves as a starting point for one-day tours to the fjords of Milford Sound and Dautful Sound. From here the excursions by helicopters to glaciers where it is impossible to get on the ground are sent. Other "must see": Te-Anau - the world of underground halls and cathedrals, rivers and lakes, Mount Cook - the highest point of New Zealand and the Tasman Glacier. From Oakland, many private or bus tours around the country begin, it is also the port of call for all international sailing regattas taking place in this region, and all round-the-world races.

9 things that are worth doing in New Zealand
  1. Jump upside down from the Sky tower or from the Auckland Bridge at the bungy jumping attraction in Oakland.
  2. Visit the amazing Kelly Tarlton underwater and Antarctic museum, located underground, where the exposition is dedicated to the underwater world of the Pacific and Antarctica.
  3. To visit the cape of the Rhine (Te-Hiku-O-Te-Ika - "tail of the fish"), from which you can see how the Pacific meets the Tasman Sea.
  4. Try out the contrasting bathing on the "hot beach" of Hot Water Beach, where hot springs beat right at the edge of the sea.
  5. See the first sunrise on the planet on the beach of Waiotachi Beach.
  6. Visit a mystical place - the island of Stephens, clamped by two islands of the country, in the Strait of Cook, where the world's rarest animal lives, the closest relative of the dinosaurs is the hatteria (Tuatha). True, you can visit the island only with a special pass.
  7. Make sure that the most extreme point of the North Island is Cape Reinga (the place where the souls of the dead depart.)
  8. Conquer the stormy waters of the underground Waitomo-Glove River in the cave of the same name.
  9. To arrange gambling shopping, visiting the Otara market in the southern part of Auckland on Saturday, where there are cheap Maori kitchens, and benches with hand-painted Aboriginal fabrics, and much more.

Rotorua is one of the main attractions of the country. Here is the famous Valley of Geysers, the cultural center of New Zealand aboriginal Maori, thermal park and at the same time a stylized "Maori village" Whakarewarewa Thermal Reserve, where in a special darkened room you can see non-flying kiwi bird - a symbol of the country. Buried Village of the Wairoa - buried by a volcanic eruption in 1886, a Maori village, a Maori museum, waterfalls. In Taipo you can see the city hall, the Anglican cathedral, the botanical garden, the picturesque Transalpine road, the France-Josev and Fox glaciers. Other country attractions: Kaikoura is a place on the eastern coast of the South Island north of Christchurch, where you can observe whales. Orana Wildlife Park is the largest zoo in New Zealand with many animals, including unique New Zealand non-flying birds. Hanmer Springs Thermal Reserve - hot mineral springs. In the territory of the Tongariro National Park (included in the UNESCO World Heritage List) there are three active volcanoes: Tongariro, Naurohe and Ruapehu, and ski stations operate on their slopes.

Extreme in New Zealand - a concept that has long been known throughout the world. New Zealanders are literally obsessed with extreme entertainment, opportunities for which there are many opportunities in the country.

New Zealand is very popular credit cards. Cash here can be met very rarely. Even in the taxi there are terminals for non-cash payment of travel.

In Queenstown, you can entertain yourself with fishing and a special New Zealand amusement ride Luge ride .Luge ride is a 800-meter concrete slab 4 meters wide, which descend from the mountain on special three-wheeled maps - "lyuzha" .The same entertainment is in Rotorua .In addition, for fans of thrill in Rotorua there are: bungee jumping, toboggan (roller-skating on special shells like mini-beans), jet-bout, zorbing (rolling from a mountain inside a huge inflatable spherical structure, nonweak training of the vestibular apparatus) and air rides Freefall .

Taupo is famous for fishing for trout at any time of the year. You can also make a cruise on the lake, go on a speed boat, raft on mountain rivers or fly by plane over the mountains and the active volcano White island.

Diving is widespread mainly in the North Island, on the Pur-Knights Islands. And on the South Island, diving is organized in the area of ​​the sailor Mikhail Lermontov sunk in 1986 in the Milford Sound National Park area. Photo of New Zealand (39)