
Ica Region, Peru

Peru National Parks On the south of the city of Iki, on the edge of the desert, in 22 km of the town of Pisco there is the National Reserve of the Desert of the Paracas Peninsula, a vast territory of islands, beaches and rocks. Affectionately washed by ocean waves Paracas has become home to rare animals and mammals.

Costa $$

Reserva Nacional De Paracas

Peru National Parks Costa is not just a picturesque Peruvian district, it's part of the Pacific coast, packed with historic "delicacies". This is, of course, not Turkish resort abundance, where you can find rest for every taste and purse, but the uniqueness of the holiday is guaranteed by the hidden Andes from the curious eyes.



Peru National Parks Pisak is a legendary Inca citadel, balancing at the top of the mountain range and occupying the second most important place after Ollantaytambo. It is located in Valle Sagrada - Sacred Valley of the Incas near the Urubamba River.

Desert of Nazca


Peru National Parks The Nazca desert, located off the southern coast of Peru, is one of the most amazing and mystical places on the planet. This area has gained wide popularity thanks to the giant mysterious lines, from the height forming into realistic drawings, as if executed by the hand of an invisible master-giant.



Peru National Parks A huge area of ​​picturesque Peruvian nature is enclosed in the Huascarán National Park, located on the White Cordillera. Here you will find the highest peaks in Peru: Huascaran, Uandu and Alpamayo, as well as amazing vegetation attractions.

The national parks, reserves and nature reserves of Peru occupy a total of almost 3 million hectares.

In the park Kutervo on the territory of 2500 hectares live various representatives of the cat family: jaguar, ocelot, wild cat, as well as a population of tapirs and a lot of rare birds. Fans of the flora will be impressed by the variety of species of orchids. On the slopes of Mount Bella-Durmiente is the national park Tingo-Maria. The main local "attraction" is a cave of owls, literally packed with these night birds. There is a Jacintillo geothermal source and La Quinceacera waterfalls in the reserve.

In the Manu National Park, you can see almost all the representatives of the Amazonian jungle fauna, including more than 100 species of bats!

In Manu National Park, in the Department of Cusco, you can see almost all the representatives of the Amazonian jungle fauna, including more than 100 species of bats! In the villages located on the territory of the park you can get acquainted with the life of the unique small nationalities of the Peruvian Selva.

In the Huascaran Park there are as many as 7 climatic microzones and almost 800 plant species. On its territory stretches the Cordillera-Blanca mountain chain with the highest peak of Peru by Huascaran mountain (6768 m). The park is famous for its large population of giant Andean condors. And on the territory of the natural reserve of Rio Abiseo, there are rare yellow-tailed monkeys, various large cats and birds: parrots, condors, wild ducks. There are also 36 archaeological sites in this place.