The Nazca desert, located off the southern coast of Peru, is one of the most amazing and mystical places on the planet..Widely known this area has received thanks to the giant mysterious lines, from a great height folding into realistic drawings, as if executed by the hand of an invisible master-giant .The number of arts is amazing: in the Nazca desert there are only identifiable drawings of more than thirty, and there are about 700 geometric figures and countless lines and bands .Millions of tourists from all over the world come to see the mysterious signs every year, and the desert itself is perhaps Peru's most visited attraction..

Desert of Nazca
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A bit of history

Hummingbird, Monkey, Dog, Kit - these are just a few of the giant drawings in the Nazca desert. The first data on the existence of shallow long trenches of incomprehensible designation date back to the 16th century, and in 1939 from the air for the first time it became clear that these bands are composed into perfect pictures. The first photos of the desert were received in 1947, and since then scientists are puzzling over the designation of Nazca drawings.

While it is known only that the authors of the drawings (at least according to the version of modern science) - the ancient civilization of the Nazca, which existed from the 1st century BC up to the 8th century with the center in the ceremonial city of Kauachi (28 km from the present city of Nazca) . In addition to desert art, the Nazca left an extensive system of underground water pipes for mankind (many of them are still used by local residents), as well as samples of ceramics and textiles that can be seen in the Archaeological Museum of Antonini in the city of Nazca.

Famous Nazca lines are located on a stony desert area of ​​50 to 5-7 km, occupying a total area of ​​500 square meters. km.

How to get

The main settlement of the Nazca area is the logical name of Nazca. It is most convenient to get here by bus, this indispensable Peruvian transport. Buses depart from all major cities of the country, the fastest in Nazca can be reached from the city of Ica, the center of the southern coast of Peru - the journey will take 2-3 hours and cost around 12 PEN.

Buses from Cusco and Arequipa arrive in Nazca; in the first case on the road will have to spend about 14 hours, in the second - "only" nine, both buses depart from the starting points in the night, arriving in the place in the morning. A ticket from Cuzco will cost about 60 PEN, from Arequipa - about 170 PEN. A trip from Lima will take about 6-8 hours depending on the route.

If you want to see the Nazca lines, but based in Lima, it is most convenient to purchase a sightseeing tour in one of the agencies of the Peruvian capital. Tourists leave at 4 am, visit the towns of Ballestas and Nazca itself (including its sights), and fly Nazca lines on a light aircraft. Return to Lima - about 10 pm the same day. The cost of the tour is about 900 PEN.

Where to go

The city of Nazca can be walked on foot - it is very small. A taxi ride to any distance within the city limits will cost no more than 3 PEN, and the road to the airport (from where "light cars" come up with tourists) - no more than 4 PEN.

Hotels in the Nazca Desert - $

Hoteliers of the city of Nazca and its surroundings, of course, could not ignore the increased popularity of the area among foreign tourists - so there are enough options for accommodation here. Prices start from 30 PEN per room without embellishment; for 50 PEN you can stay overnight with comfort, and at 90-120 PEN - even shikanut. For budget tourists there is a host of hostels with prices from 15 PEN per bed. Well, to feel the authentic atmosphere of Nazca, you can stay at a private hacienda, turned into a hotel.

Kitchen and restaurants

In the city of Nazca, you should not look for gourmet restaurants - still it's popular though, but the province is .But there are more jobs here for workers and peasants - and the food they serve is quite not bad: the ingredients are fresh, the preparation is simple, but good, and portions are huge .As fast food, there are all kinds of sandwiches and burgers, kiosks with which are located on any of the city streets .If you want to dine hot, at your service Naski restaurants, where for 5-10 PEN you will be offered a fixed menu of soup, several main dishes to choose from and a drink of .

Nazca lines

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of the Nazca Desert

Nazca lines

Famous Nazca lines are located on a stony desert area of ​​50 to 5-7 km, occupying a total area of ​​500 square meters. km. In fact, they are shallow furrows a meter in width and 30-40 cm deep. Due to the fact that the soil surface in Nazca is darker and the "inside" is lighter, the lines are perfectly distinguishable by the eye. But due to the fact that the drawings occupy a gigantic area, you can see them in all their glory only from the air.

Flights over the Nazca desert start from the local airfield, where the stands of operators are abundantly represented. Place in the four-seat "Cessna" (2 pilots and 2 passengers) will cost around 50 USD in low season and no more than 90 USD - in high. Be sure to bargain! Also, the passenger will be asked to pay an airport fee of 25 PEN. The duration of the flight is about half an hour.

In addition, on the Nazca line you can admire the observation tower, located along the Pan-American Highway. From there you can see 3-4 pictures and a magnificent mountain landscape on the horizon. Taxi from the city of Nazca and back will cost about 50 PEN, and climbing the tower itself - 2 PEN.

City of Nazca and surroundings

To get a full picture of the culture of the Nazca, it is certainly worth a visit to the interesting Antonini Archaeological Museum. Here are samples of ceramics and textiles extracted from archaeological excavations, and in the garden there is a model of a Nazca aqueduct and a model of the Nazca lines.

In the near town of Cantalloca, it is worthwhile to see the system of underground aqueducts of the Nazca ("pukuyos"), thanks to which even today in this arid region cotton, corn, beans and other crops are successfully grown. Nearby you can look at the ruins of the Inca city of Paredones.

The burial of Chauchilla is the only place in Peru where you can see mummies of about 3 thousand years old "in a natural setting." Over the centuries, treasure hunters looted ancient graves, not hesitating to leave on the surface the deceased owners of jewelry. Do not be surprised to see the skull, bones, hair and other evidence of the frailty of human existence under the feet.