How to get there by train from Lisbon to Portimao or Albufeira?

Responds Insight Travel company
If you look at the map of the railways of Portugal, it will be seen that the long-distance green branch is coming from Lisbon (for example, from the station "Oriente", which as well as the bus station and the metro) to Albufeira directly, and to get to Portimao - you will need to make a transfer to the local red branch of the railway, or take a taxi from Albufeira to the hotel . There are also buses that run between Lisbon and the Algarve, but much more often, they have more points named and the cost is approximately the same as that of trains .

When buying a tour, such a move will be arranged: a convenient time is agreed with you in accordance with the schedule of public transport (if not ordered a group transfer from the hotel Lisbon to hotel in the Algarve), a taxi is served, you will also be met at the resort.

February 11, 2013

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