Anapa, perhaps, is one of the most popular and best places for children's rest, not only together with parents, but also in the company of peers - in children's health camps. Thanks to the wide beaches with fine sand, the shallow sea area, favorable climatic and natural conditions, Anapa is often called a children's resort.

Children's camps are located not in the city itself, but in the suburbs - more often in the forest or park area. The most popular places for children's resorts are the villages of Sukko, Djemet and Pionersky Prospekt, which stretches along the coast for 10 km. The age of tourists here is from 7 to 17 years. In most camps, rest rooms are designed for 4-8 people.

Features of work, planning of entertaining, sporting and other events of modern children's camps are completely adjusted to the tastes and wishes of children and parents . So, in some camps it is offered strengthened language learning, in others active sports, in the third develop artistic or theatrical skills . However, most of them still adhere to the classical version of the organization of children's leisure, directed simultaneously on the development of creative qualities, communication skills, teamwork skills .

Types of children's camps

The most popular variant of children's activities for more than one decade - a children's recreation camp (DALE). The program to replace, as a rule, includes the optimal number of entertainment and development activities, as well as small physical activities (charging). Children can sweat and sunbathe on the beach - of course, under the supervision of counselors. Children have enough free time to communicate with their peers, reading or some other occupation.

Anapa-2011, Vityazevo

Popular wellness camps: "Happy childhood", "Smena." Children's sanatorium camps differ little from the first option. Their main difference is in the ability to undergo certain medical procedures. Anapa is also known as a balneological resort: it treats with mineral waters, mud, inhalations, baths. The appointment of health procedures is conducted by a doctor. Popular sanatorium camps: Vita, Energetik, Planeta, Zvyozdochka-Yug, Ural Gems.

In language camps, everything is aimed at maximum immersion of children in the atmosphere of the studied language .For this purpose it is planned and organized many games, events, entertainment .It is a mistake to think that in such camps children spend a long time exclusively at school desks, which deprives them of the opportunity to swim in the sea, sunbathe, chat with friends .It is not so .The language learning program is designed in such a way that the training itself takes place in a game form .This helps to significantly tighten the spoken language, which in most cases the accent is made .Perhaps the most famous language camp is English City .

In the adventure camps for children a whole scenario of recreation is played out. They can go on an exciting journey or take part in games full of events. This can also be: game training diving, riding, archery, high-altitude training, pottery, life in a rope town and much more.

Popular camps: "Red Leader", "Planet Ocean" program at the Energetik DOL, "Teen's camp for teenagers 11-16 years" and "Petrushka at the Sea" for children of 7-13 years of the Iskra children's center. ±​​$ The

Children's camp "Energetik", Anapa

The cost of rest in Anapa camps is

Prices for living and recreation of children in the camps of Anapa of various types, of course, differ - as well as the duration of shifts in some of them .So, for example, in the sanatorium-type health resort "Vita", a trip without taking into account the trip will cost from 34 700 rubles .in June to 37 600 rubles .in July, the August change will cost 36,100 rubles .- and this is all for 21 days of accommodation and treatment..Sanatorium camp "Planet" offers a 21-day shift for 30,300 rubles, and "Zvezdochka-Yug" - and at all about 22,000-23,000 $ .rubles per shift of 21 days .Even cheaper can do holidays in health resorts of sanatorium type "Energetik" and "Ural Gems": from 19,500 to 24,500 rubles .in the first and 21 000 rubles .in the second for a full shift in 21 days .

Conventional recreation camps offer a range of prices from 24 to 28 thousand rubles per child for 20-21 days - such prices, for example, offer camps "Petrushka at Sea", "Happy Childhood" and Teen's camp. In the health camp "Smena", recreation will cost a little more - from 24,990 to 30,660 rubles. for 20 days. Thematic holidays in adventure camps - a pleasure more expensive: "Leader of the Redskins" for 21 days of rest will cost the family budget of 39-40 thousand rubles, and "Planet Ocean" - in 43-45 thousand rubles for 21 days, depending on the month. July holiday in children's camps is traditionally more expensive. And, finally, the thematic international theatrical and linguistic school of English City offers two options for rest: 11 days for 18, 5-22 thousand rubles and 21 days for 37-44 thousand rubles per child.

Regardless of the focus of the camp, children on vacation are waited by the warm sea, affectionate southern sun, new friends, interesting entertainments, the opportunity to show their abilities, to become more independent and liberated. Favorable climatic and natural conditions will help the child to have a good rest and recover strength after the school year. In addition, almost every camp organizes a trip to the Anapa Dolphinarium!

All prices are for the 2012 season.

The sea of ​​Anapa, Russia.jpeg Children's camps in Anapa
Children's fun on the beaches of Anapa
The coast of Anapa, Russia.jpeg Children's camps in Anapa
Coast of Anapa
Sand figures on the beaches of Anapa, Russia.jpeg Children's camps in Anapa
Sand figures on the beaches of Anapa
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Children's camps in Anapa