It is common knowledge that annual trips to the sea strengthen children's health .Therefore, the summer holidays on the seaside have long become part of the family traditions of many of our fellow citizens..And one of the most popular destinations for rest with children for half a century is Anapa .Over the long years of creating an enabling environment for children's tourism in the resort, all conditions were created to allow kids and their parents to fully enjoy their well-deserved rest..Moreover, there is a feeling that nature herself has put her hand to it: the shallow sea, sandy beaches, the medical climate and magnificent vegetation - that's the true image of the resort Anapa .And in addition to everything, the city has an excellent entertainment infrastructure .The resort offers a large selection of housing, cafes and restaurants, parks and entertainment facilities..And the main thing is that the price range of rest with children in Anapa is quite wide, which makes it affordable for families with different income levels .

It is known that annual trips to the sea strengthen children's health. Therefore, summer holidays on the seaside have long been part of the family traditions of many of our fellow citizens. And one of the most popular destinations for rest with children has been Anapa for half a century.
Rest in Anapa with children Holidays with children in Anapa
Children in Anapa Holidays with children in Anapa

Children's entertainment in Anapa

In view of the fact that Anapa is considered a recognized family resort, there is practically no question of where to go with the child. In fact, there are more places to rest with children in Anapa. And some of them have no analogues in Russia.

These include, for example, the water park "Golden Beach", which is a real fairy-tale city. There will be entertainment for children of any age. The water park features warm pools, water slides and all sorts of amusing attractions, so do not forget to take your camera with you.

Holidays with children in Anapa

Also in the city there are dozens of entertainment parks, museums, exhibitions and cinemas. And if you get out of it, the eyes of the unprecedented delights of the Greater Caucasus: the waterfalls on the river Jan, the famous Sail rock, the lotus valley and much more.

Children in Anapa article Holidays with children in Anapa
Article children in Anapa Holidays with children in Anapa

Variants of accommodation with children in Anapa

A number of city hotels, boarding houses and holiday homes have all the necessary conditions for living with children. Actually, the local conditions do not differ from the standard ones, however, additional options are aimed at children's comfort. For example, hotels that position themselves family, have children's rooms, playgrounds, children's furniture and equipment, and can also offer a special children's menu in the dining room.

During the low season, accommodation in family pensions and holiday homes costs between 1100-2900 RUB per day. In the summer, prices rise more than half.

Often the staff of large hotels include teachers, educators and psychologists, whose services can be used if necessary.

Prices are shown in January 2015 ±​​$$

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Holidays with children in Anapa