How fun to spend a weekend in St. Petersburg?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
After getting acquainted with the main sights of St. Petersburg, you can go to one of the parks: Elagin Island, Pavlovsk, Summer Garden, where in the end of spring they open sculptures. At the same time, the Mini-city, a collection of copies of Peter's buildings, begins to work in the Aleksandrovsky Park, and a museum of living history of the Viking Age moves to the fortress Shlisselburg from the tourist "Russian Village of Shuvalovka." There you can get a master class on some craft, shoot with a bow.

As it gets dark, you should go on a boat trip to see the bridging of the bridges, the night illumination of Petersburg. Then spend some time in one of the nightclubs (Griboyedov, Metro, Hollywood Nights, EGO) or bars ("Ugly Coyote", "Ice", "Barrel Bar"), where on weekends there are fun parties.

If desired, the second day can be devoted to entertainment (paintball, bowling, water parks, attractions) or go to the museum (zoological, retro cars, yachts, the Kunstkamera). Or get to the concert, a fashion show, of which there is a lot in the city, an unusual excursion (Petersburg is mystical, criminal, romantic, on the roofs of the city).

February 21, 2012

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