The resort town of Anapa, along with its satellite villages, is not accidentally so fond of tourists. Thanks to a combination of steppe, sea and mountain climate, favorable conditions for recreation are created here from spring to October. A rich variety of nature makes staying comfortable and useful. In Anapa come families with young children, youth companies, couples in love - they all find a place in the sand under the sun.

Being guided by their taste, vacationers can purchase a railway tour to Anapa with accommodation in a boarding house with a full range of services and quality services, in an inexpensive hotel or a mini-hotel, as well as in the private sector.

In addition to Anapa itself with its shallow sandy beaches, more suitable for children's recreation, nearby there are many interesting villages. Djemete dunes, healing muds Vityazevo, Sukko valley, protected forests and dolphinarium Utrisha - you can choose any of these resorts for recreation or visit them with excursions.

For an article in Anapa Tours to Anapa by train
Article train to Anapa Tours to Anapa by train

Choice of train to Anapa

Between Moscow and Anapa, six trains run regularly, which depart from the Kazan, Kursk, Belorussian and Kiev stations .The trip to Anapa takes from a day to a day and a half, the number of stops along the way depends on the speed of the composition .Most of the Anapa trains leave the capital in the evening, but arrive early in the morning or around noon .During the off-season, when the holiday of vacationers ceases, the number of trains that follow in this direction is also reduced .You can buy tickets for the train "Moscow-Anapa" at the ticket office of any railway station or via the Internet .

The fare to Anapa by train depends on the category of wagons, the average price of a compartment ticket when buying online is 6000 RUB, tickets to reserved cars cost around 3000 RUB.

Trains from St. Petersburg to Anapa depart from the Moscow railway station every other day, three trains run in this direction - two morning and one evening, each of which has reserved seats and compartment cars .The cost of a reserved seat starts from 3600 RUB, the minimum price of a coupe ticket is about 7400 RUB .The trip to Anapa from St. Petersburg takes longer than from Moscow, from 42 (by Murmansk train) to 50 hours will be required to get to the resort .A fast train № 259А, on which both comfortable conditions and parking is small, will be a good choice, and electronic registration is available .

Directly to get to Anapa by rail it is possible and from many other Russian cities: Tula, Yaroslavl, Ryazan, Volgograd, Krasnoyarsk, Omsk, Ufa, Saratov, etc.

All trains arrive at the railway station, located 10 km from the city, from here you can go by bus (although they do not go so often), a shuttle or an ordinary taxi. The trip on the minibus will cost about 30 RUB, the privateer will take around 350-450 RUB.

Please note: if you purchased a ticket to Novorossiysk and go to Anapa, it's more convenient to get off at Tunnelnaya station (if there is a stop), from there you will get to the city faster.
Train to Anapa for the article Tours to Anapa by train
Train to Anapa article Tours to Anapa by train

Accommodation conditions and prices

Being guided by your taste, holidaymakers can purchase a railway tour to Anapa with accommodation in a boarding house with a full range of services and quality services, in an inexpensive hotel or a mini-hotel, as well as in the private sector. In addition, sanatoriums built in Soviet times were preserved in Anapa, now they are renovated and successfully receive guests during the whole season. Quite popular among tourists are the resort suburbs of Anapa: Djemete, Vitiazevo, Sukko, the village of Blagoveshchenskaya, Malaya Bukhta.

The cost of tours to Anapa by train is very democratic. For example, a ten-day tour with accommodation in a comfortable hotel located in the green district of Anapa will cost 13,700 RUB, rest for 10 days at the guest house in Vityazevo will cost 6900 RUB, and the price of a trip to Gemet for 10 days starts from 16,500 RUB . In some railway tours, railway tickets are included in the price, others are assumed to be self-purchase, when choosing a voucher at this point, you should pay attention.

Information on the cost of tickets and tours is provided for September 2014.

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Tours to Anapa by train