Is there an established minimum of cash with the citizen of Tunisia to enter Russia on a guest visa? They say that they can check if they leave Tunisia in the Russian Federation at the airport.

Answer Aleksandra Azarov
It's more likely to talk about the maximum: Tunisians are allowed to take out a total of not more than 3000 EUR per year. Each time you leave, a mark is placed in the passport about the amount of the exported currency. As for bank cards, an ordinary Tunisian has the right to own only cards in nonconvertible Tunisian dinars, for use exclusively in Tunisia.

As there is no minimum of exported funds, but, of course, their number should more or less correspond to the duration of the foreign visit. If a Tunisian citizen goes to visit with 100 EUR in his pocket, this will lead to certain suspicions.

February 21, 2012

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