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The Caribbean island state of Saint Lucia in every way simplifies the coveted tourists access to their exotic lands: Russian citizens, if the stay on the island is no more than 6 weeks, visa is not required..If you plan to cover the full-scale St. Lucia reality, you must make a visa in advance at the Embassy or consulates of the UK (the colonial past obliges) .There are no requirements to the "stock" of the validity period of the passport - it must be valid only during the trip .At the time of departure, an airport tax is levied, but often it is already included in the airfare .

Border crossing

When passing passport control it is necessary to show the following documents:

  • a foreign passport valid at the time of entry into the country;
  • return tickets or tickets to a third country;
  • confirmation of sufficient funds for the entire stay in Saint Lucia (cash, traveler's checks, bank cards).

If necessary, the period of stay can be extended by applying to the main Immigration office in Castries.

When departing from the country, an airport charge of 40 XCD is charged (it is often already included in the ticket price). Template: PB