Most of the territory of Slovakia - the mountains: Low Tatras, High Tatras, Carpathian arc. Snow lies in the mountains of Slovakia from December to April, so the ski season in this country is very long.

The best ski resort of Slovakia - Jasna, it is located in the Low Tatras, one of the most ecologically clean areas of Europe..Jasna offers tourists everything that is necessary for skiers: routes of different levels of complexity, numerous ski lifts, equipment rental, cozy hotels, restaurants, spa salons .In addition to these man-made components of a good holiday, the Low Tatras are rich in amazing landscapes and clean air .Near the resort (about an hour's drive away) is the airport, once a military, and now purely civil, Poprad-Tatry .The airport is small, it serves a few flights, but has a whole fleet of rescue and medical helicopters .

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While Yasna is oriented to experienced skiers, the resorts of the High Tatras are designed for beginners .We will be happy here not only for adults, but also for young skiers who decided to join this wonderful sport, specially trained instructors will "put" on skis anybody who wants to..By right the best ski resort of the High Tatras is Strbske Pleso .Different kinds of lifts, well-prepared ski runs for beginners and professionals, two jump jumps, stands for spectators, a lighted track for evening skiing - just a listing of what the Strbsko Pleso has, will cause a lover of mountain skiing an irresistible desire to take a vacation, pack his own equipment and indulge your favorite hobby .

Jasna Slovakia

Well-developed transport links in both the Low and High Tatras. Buses and electric trains run between resorts. So, for fans of diversity there is an opportunity to test the routes of neighboring resorts.

The Magic Sunset in the High Tatras Ski Slovakia - $
The Magic Sunset in the High Tatras
Alpine skiing Yasny Ski Slovakia - $
Skiing in Slovakia.jpeg Ski Slovakia - $
Downhill skiing in Slovakia

You can change your stay in the ski resorts of Slovakia by hiking in local restaurants, small, not numerous, but offering a delicious menu with dishes of national Slovak cuisine, or sightseeing trips to nearby castles, which are so many in Slovakia, and which are so picturesque in winter. >

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Ski Slovakia - $