Almost every modern person knows at least some facts from the life of the country called China .And this is not at all surprising: after all, this state occupies a huge part of Asia, and besides, it is home to more than a billion people..In most areas of the world economy, China today occupies a leading position, including in the field of international tourism .The People's Republic of China offers truly remarkable opportunities for travel and continues to attract millions of visitors every year from different places of the world..

The number of attractions in this magical country is truly immense, and it must be recognized that the decision about which tour to China should still be chosen will be very difficult for any traveler.

Blessed Chinese land has a developed ancient culture and eventful history .The ancient cities of the great Celestial Empire, as the Chinese themselves often call their state, have preserved for us invaluable evidence of the life of long-gone epochs .Over the centuries, successive dynasties of great rulers have replaced each other with magnificent monuments of architecture and art, as well as the seven capitals - Beijing, Nanjing, Xian, Luoyang, Kaifeng, Hangzhou and Anyang, who today invite everyone to admire the great legacy of the past .And, of course, the most exciting adventure for most tourists will be a trip to the famous Great Wall of China - a real symbol of state power and unity .

China-Celestial Kingdom of Dragons China: The Celestial Kingdom of Dragons

Most of the cities of the country are amazing and bizarre settlements, where the temples dedicated to Confucius and Lao Tzu peacefully coexist with Orthodox churches and Catholic cathedrals, and Chinese Muslims gather in mosques that are indistinguishable from the religious buildings of Buddhism .Especially attractive among foreign visitors are the unusual abodes of Tibetan monks in Lhasa, as well as famous monasteries practicing ancient martial arts, for example, the world famous Shaolin .

Nevertheless, China is not only a treasury of ancient wonders and unique temples: the country has been more generously endowed by nature. The highest mountains and wide plains, fantastic rocky hills and green forests, clean fresh and salty lakes, warm sea and healing underground springs are just not an exhaustive list of what the fertile land beneath the sky offer their guests. Perhaps, that is why the combined, health and medical tours to China are extremely popular today.

Visit China is also for those who always prefer to rest your favorite work .Throughout the year in the busy metropolitan areas of Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Guangzhou, as well as in other cities, the largest exhibitions of a wide variety of goods are held .Grandiose events, which attract the most famous world manufacturers, provide visitors with an excellent opportunity to see new products of the market, find new customers and business partners, and get invaluable information for further development of their business..

However, Chinese abundance attracts not only professionals of their business, but also no less than numerous buyers of purchases .Every year the huge popularity in Russia and abroad continue to gain chopters to China .Today, for the majority of people, it is no longer a secret that a very significant part of the world's products are produced in the Middle Kingdom..Probably, it is thanks to the ability of the Chinese to laborious and hard work, we can buy goods in the markets and shops of local cities of the highest quality at extremely attractive prices .Excellent fabrics and textiles, furniture, home and office equipment, jewelry and traditional souvenirs such as exquisite silk, exquisite porcelain and special types of tea - all this and much more can be found on the shopping streets and squares of Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Macau .