If the diving season in the Andaman Sea is from November to May, then in the east of the Gulf of Thailand you can dive all year round (but better visibility there from November to March), and in the west - from February to May. Dive centers are available in any Thai resort: separately, and practically at all 4-5 stars hotels. Most of them are located in Pattaya and Phuket.

Andaman Sea. Its western coast can dive from the shore, but the most popular one-day tours on diving bots to small islands around Phuket: Ko Racha, Shark Point, Ko Dok Mai and Phi Phi. Swim before them 1, 5-2 hours. Ko Racha is an island where dives are made to a depth of 30 meters, from January to March, there appear manta rays and whale sharks. The Shark Point reef has leopard sharks resting, the most crazy divers even fed from their hands. Here, skates and moray eels are found.

Similian Islands. National Marine Park, in which animals are not accustomed to being afraid of man, and the number of diving boats is surprisingly small. There is an abundance of soft and hard corals, reef fish, and also larger representatives of the underwater world: blue rays, manta rays and whale sharks. The oceanic "krupnyak" often visits this area between February and early May, when the water is particularly rich in plankton.

National Marine Park Surin. It is 77 km just west of Ranong Province and is considered the number one spot in the world for watching whale sharks and one of the best diving sites in Thailand.

Rock Richelieu, Ko-Tachai, Ko-Bon. At 16 km southeast of Surin is the Richelieu rock - a place that was chosen by whale sharks, and hence divers. The main sight of Ko-Tachai is a huge underwater reef. Ko-Bon Island has earned a reputation as a suitable place for deep-sea diving thanks to a reef that extends to a depth of as much as 45 meters. The only thing worth remembering is that the currents in these places are strong and volatile.

The most enthusiastic divers and unrestrained beginners should go for two days to Pattaya, in the Gulf of Thailand. There they are waited not simply diving "for fish", but a real expedition: inspection of the sunken tanker "Vertical" and the ship of the 40s "Hard-Dip."

The most famous diving centers in Pattaya - "Ichthyander" and Mermaid (that is, "Mermaid") on Jomtien Beach.

Diving in the island of Phuket Diving in Thailand
Diving in the island of Phuket
Oceanarium, Pattaya Diving in Thailand
Observing the underwater inhabitants of Phuket
Underwater World of Thailand Diving in Thailand
Underwater World of Thailand

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Diving in Thailand