Many couples in love often make the decision to celebrate their wedding abroad, and in connection with this, wedding tours in Thailand are gaining popularity..The reason is simple - at a minimum cost (a wedding in Thailand will cost you no more than in Russia, and certainly cheaper than in Europe) you get not only an unusual wedding ceremony in an exotic place, but also the opportunity to spend a honeymoon on the beach without overshadowing the beginning of family life by exhausting many hours of travel .Thailand is famous for its wedding industry, and you have the opportunity to choose from a variety of options for the ceremony - from classical European in tropical decorations to a traditional Thai wedding with a blessing in a Buddhist temple .

It should be noted that the vast majority of wedding agencies offer in their packages not an official wedding, but a symbolic ceremony .This is due to some difficulties with the official registration of Russian citizens who do not reside permanently in the territory of the Kingdom .To conclude a marriage that will be valid in Russia, in Thailand it is possible, but it is required to arrive in advance (preferably in three weeks) and to issue documents in several departments .Therefore, the most reasonable option is a modest registration in the Russian registry office, then air travel to Thailand and this is not the status, but the sensations of the wedding are already there .

The ideal time for a Thai wedding is from the end of autumn until the beginning of spring: at this time of year there are no queues to Russian registry offices and wedding palaces, and in Thailand just the most bathing season. And the fact that it is not accepted to celebrate a wedding in the winter should not frighten those who decided to take an exotic ceremony on foreign shores.
Wedding and honeymoon in Thailand

Wedding Ceremony

Thailand offers its guests many different options for holding symbolic ceremonies. The first popular place is shared by a traditional Buddhist ceremony and a classic European wedding held on the beach.

The beach ceremony can be held both on the beach of the resort (as a rule, this is the island of Phuket), and on the beach of a small uninhabited island. The second type of ceremony is more expensive, as it usually includes a transfer to the island and a wedding night in a bungalow.

The ceremony in the Buddhist temple with the blessing of the monks and offerings costs from $ 500, and the package, which includes the temple ceremony, and the beach, together with the transfer, coordinator, photographer and interpreter services, will cost you $ 1500. A similar package with a dinner for two and a night in a bungalow on the island will result in $ 2,200.

For those who want "everything at once," there are large packages, including traditional ceremonies with all the subtleties and costumed shows, and elephant walks, and a beach ceremony, and a buffet table, and a spa package for two. Similar offers cost from $ 3000 and do not include accommodation and flights, but in general it is one of the most economical options for "complex" weddings.

At the request of almost any ceremony, you can buy an exotic photo shoot. A photo session with a horse walk will cost from $ 700, with a walk on elephants on the beach - from $ 800, and the same, but in the rented national costumes - from $ 1100.

Other options for weddings: good and different

Other popular options for Thai wedding ceremonies are the underwater wedding - the ceremony includes trial dives and training, transfer and rental of the ship (with a festive dinner on the deck after the ceremony), the ceremony with the exchange of rings and the photographer's services - and costs from $ 1,100; wedding on a yacht - a transfer, renting an decorated yacht with a team, holding a ceremony on an exotic island or on the deck of a ship, a wedding cake and a festive dinner, as well as musical accompaniment and photographer services will cost you $ 4500 .Another version of the ceremony on the water is also popular: "Pirate Wedding" in Phuket,.Ceremonies precede jeep safaris on the most popular beaches of Phuket, after which on the ship "under the antiquity" lovers go to the sea and participate in the wedding ceremony .Instead of champagne - captain's rum, instead of exchanging rings - vows in fidelity, written on a sheet of paper, sealed in a bottle and buried on the beach of a desert island, and instead of a wedding cake - roast pork .

Honeymoon $ $ Wedding in Thailand
Lake Cheoh Lan, Thailand.jpeg Wedding in Thailand
Attractions in Pattaya Wedding in Thailand

In addition to the various types of ceremonies, in Thailand there is a large number of wedding traditions and rituals, which will cost inexpensively, but will be remembered for a long time .In particular, there is a ceremony Loy Krathong .Newlyweds are launching on the waves of the river or the sea traditional boat-nests of banana leaves, flowers, candles and incense .It is believed that if the kratonga ships were not drowned when immersed, but swam away and disappeared from the eyes, the spouses will love each other all their lives .Another Thai wedding tradition is Hume Fei - launching a flying "happiness flashlight" from paper with a combustible core .Hum Fey is usually held at sunset or after it: in the dark the flashlight glows beautifully, taking off, and burns in the sky .While he has not burned out - you need to make a wish for $ ±​​$.Young couples, as a rule, make a fortune in family life - and you can rest assured that the desire will necessarily come true .

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Wedding in Thailand